The unexpected.....

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The chapter uve bee waiting' for,...

Sakura woke up finding Sasuke sleeping beside her, his arm on her waist. He looked so innocent at the moment. She kissed the corner of his lips.

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and saw Sakura kissing him.

Sakura saw Sasuke's lips moving and formed a smile. She looked up and saw Sasuke staring at her.

"Did I wake you?", she asked.

"Yeah you did. But I like waking up with you.", he smiled.

"Me too."

Sakura got up.

"I should get read-", she was pulled back and she fell down in Sasuke's arms.

"Not yet. I don't want you to go anywhere.", he said.

"Hmmm.", Sakura giggled and kissed him. She stood up.

"I gotta go now Sasuke I have an early shift at the hospital. Tsunade-sama said that I can continue my work there.", she smiled.

Sasuke walked her go and smiled and lied down again.


Sasuke hurried to the Hokage tower.

Naruto said that Kakashi had called them for something very urgent.

Sakura had continued her work at the hospital and was there right now.

Sasuke met up with Naruto on the way. Somehow he looked very happy.

"Sasuke!", Naruto said as he approached Sasuke.

"I see you're very happy? Their are only two possibilities now- you got something yesterday night or a ticket for free ramen."

Naruto blushed at the first possibility.

"No its not like that Sasuke. We did nothing yesterday night.", he yelled immediately.

"I didn't said that.", Sasuke smirked.

"Anyways do you seem to know why Kakashi called us?"

Naruto nodded.

"Yeah he said there was a survivor, of the Uzumaki clan. I hope he's strong as me and Kakashi wants to meet us.", Naruto explained.

"A-A Uzu-Uzumaki survivor?", Sasuke starteled. Naruto nodded.

"But why me? I don't have to do anything to do with the Uzumakis?"

"I wonder why?", Naruto shrugged.

'What if they found another Uchiha too?',Sasuke thought as he hurried to the Hokage tower.

Both reached the Hokage's office and entered when they heard a 'come in'.

They found Kakashi with a little disappointed look on his face. The leaders of the Konoha council were also present there. There were two foreigners too. One was a man with white hairs with a blue shade on the tips. He had shark teeth and held a huge sword.

The other was a lady with blood red hairs and red eyes. She was fair and wore a kimono like a queen or something. She gave a smile to Sasuke who just gave a cold look.

" two are here.. Sasuke.. Naruto.", Kakashi sighed.

He sighed again and continued, "oh and this lady here is Uzumaki Karin, the only survivor of the Uzumaki like Naruto and the man there is a swordsman of the mist. He is the bodyguard to this Lady."

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