A new start...

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Sasuke opened his eyes....

He thought he would see the warm room and her warm hands but all he could see was a steel bed and a small room all closed except a door and a small window ... he could assume it was a hospital and..... by looking at the surroundings he knew, he was in Konoha..

His mind was full of confusion and questions..

How did he get in Konoha or wherever he was?

Who brought him here?

Where is ..... she..?

How can he see again?

What happened to him?


The list of questions was endless.

Sasuke was just wondering how he got there just then a loud noise was heard, someone was calling him.

"Saaaaaaaassssuuuukee!!!",and a loud noise was heard.

It was Naruto.

Sasuke now knew he was definitely in Konoha, no other place has a loud mouthed idiot like the famous idiot of Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki.

Sasuke look at the the door it opened with a loud slam.

"Sasuke how you doing?,we were worried about you.", Naruto spoke and hugged Sasuke.

"Tch. Get off dobe.",Sasuke said shrugging him off.

Sasuke and Naruto were just starting to talk when Tsunade came in.

"So you're awake, good.",she smiled.

Sasuke bowed his head and Naruto just grinned at her.
"Yo Baa chan."

"How did I came here?",Sasuke asked Tsunade.

"Well Teme you were lying on the ground with blood on your face and your eyes covered. We picked you and Baa chan said you were in a very bad condition, so she had to heal you herself.," Naruto explained.

"Aa",Sasuke nodded his head in Tsunade's direction as a thanks.

He didn't remembered whatever happened all he knew that he was taken care by a girl, which he assumed to be pretty and the only thing that reminded him of her was her pure emerald eyes, that were very beautiful and made him forget every bad memory.

Sasuke didn't tell anyone about the girl.

"Sasuke it seems that your eyes were damaged.",Tsunade said.

"Yes, an enemy did that.",sasuke said in his calm demeanor.

"Your eyes were healed, I won't ask who but very rare technique was used to heal you. You are lucky to get your vision back.", Tsunade smiled.

Sasuke remembered being taken care of by a lady he never was able to see her and assumed that she was very beautiful when her hands touched his body.

"Sasuke, Naruto, I want to see you in my office, just after Sasuke gets discharged.",Tsunade said said as she went out if the room.

"Sasuke what's wrong, you seem to be spacing out.", Naruto said with a bit of concern on his face.

He then continued,"well you're always like this but I feel that something's bugging you."

Sasuke knew that he cannot hide anything from his best friend, but he still chose not to tell him anything as he wasn't sure himself.

"It's nothing Naruto its just the pain, my eyes still hurt, but they'll be alright.", Sasuke said, happy that his friend cares for him, but he didn't smile, as he was the damn cold bastard.

Sasuke and Naruto later proceeded to the Hokage's office.
They entered.

"Were here baa-chan.",Naruto barged in.

"OK. There's something I want to talk to you about.", Tsunade rested her chin on her intertwined fingers and continued while they nodded, "So there are some survivors left in the war, we tried to save many of them, but the enemies killed them, there are only a few left.
We are thinking of making them a citizen of leaf, they are nothing but innocent people, but still we'll keep an eye on them."

"Ok, so?", Naruto asked while Sasuke gave the Lady a questioning look.

Before Sasuke could say more, a few people came tied by a rope, they did looked innocent.

There were five men, looked pretty old, a woman looked like she was in her mids, and a girl.....with...her hairs.... Pink?

"These are the only people left, and according to them they are mere farmers and workers and the woman is a widow who ran a shop and the girl to our dismay is very good in the medical field, she has a lot of knowledge which she says her mother taught her, when she was around 9 or 10, she doesn't remember her childhood.",Tsunade explained.

"These men will be helpful, they can make an earning, I'll appoint them in the construction of the new health centre, while this woman would do work in the academy as a caretaker of the children and this pinkette is a great advantage for us, she exceeds in medics and she'll be under my surveillance. I need to know more about what she knows.", Tsunade explained.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at the prisoners, their he's were down.
"Man, that pinky is beautiful ", Naruto said and when she raised her head to take a look, he gave her a huge grin.

She then turned her head to Sasuke, he looked at her and she suddenly bowed. Sasuke scoffed thinking she blushed and all like the fan girls and hit Naruto for hitting on a prisoner.

"Teme why you! Just look at her, don't you have any hormones working up?", Naruto frowned at Sasuke.

Sasuke ignored it. He then looked at the pinkette, she was good. But something was off, she didn't looked at him, she was like hiding something, not that he cared but she gave him a strange feeling.

Later Sasuke and Naruto left.
The prisoners were also released, only the pink haired girl didn't.
Tsunade called Shizune, and started asking questions to the girl.

"What is your name?".Tsunade asked.

"Sakura.",the girl replied meekly.

"Full name?"

"I don't know. My parents never told me. Father died in a war, since then mother raised me. I don't remember my childhood. I was an adopted daughter, my mom told me.",Sakura answered.

"How do you know so much about medical.",Shizune asked.

"My mother taught me, and she said that I mastered medical healing very fast."

Tsunade and Shizune looked at the girl and discussed a few things.

"Ok it seems you'll be a great help, you'll learn more, till then you'll be given a place to live and you'll work everyday with Shizune as your guide.", Tsunade ordered.

With this Sakura went out and followed Shizune.

Her new life has just begun.

Hope u like it <3

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