Making up to you..

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Karin sat on the wooden floor looking at Suigetsu training. It was a nice view for her to see him train everyday. She smiled at him and he too kept stealing glances at her. She had a bad childhood but was made the princess of the land of grass and then started living in the mist village.

"The council wants to see you.", a messenger came to her. Suigetsu insisted to follow.

"Only her not you."

Karin smiled at him."it'll be fine."
She sat with the councilmen of the mist.

"We are not having nice relations with the leaf and we want you to marry the Uchiha."

Karin's eyes widened."what?! No."

"You'll have to."

"But I love someone else."

"We don't care, listen to us, we made your life good."

Karin started crying."b-but.."

"Hn.", a man smirked."she won't help us because whatever we do, she'll still be the outsider. Why would an outsider help us."

Karin glared at him."no. Its not lik-"

"That's true. She won't help us."

"I will.", Karin said firmly as she exited the room.

"Are you-", before Suigetsu could say something Karin locked herself in the room.

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