Making A Point

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Making A Point

Her eyes heavily put her to sleep. As she slept, he watched. He needed her okay. Her safe and strong. Daryl needs Beth to keep him, him, and not some psychotic drunk. He thought about it long and hard. He realized that he rushes things too much. That's his problem. But his other problem is that he cares too much. He is hoping she feels terrible about him leaving. That she has some sort of reckoning about true love. Alas, he can't promise anything.

Twiddling his thumbs and staring at the ground, he tries to think about how important he is to her. Not much, if she doesn't love him enough to marry him. Pushing his hair back he gets up to leave. Getting close to opening the door he hears her: faint and shy voice appearing through the silence.

"Why'd you come back?" She's shocked to see him here. She's been trying to make it easier on herself to give him up, but he keeps coming back.

"I love you. That's all there is too it." His voice is hopeless and he feels it in his chest that he's nothing.

"Daryl. Don't."

"Don't what?" He turns back to her as she sits up, a pain in her stomach and finally breaths through the pain.

"Don't love me." He's shocked, hurt, confused and mad all in one. He doesn't get it. At all.


"Just don't. Daryl, I can't keep doing this..."

"Doing what! Cause whatever it is, it must not be that important if you keep coming back and making me love you over and over again! And whatever it is... it's not FAIR!" He blinks hard and she sees his eyes watering. "What is it!"

"This! You! I've tried moving on, but I can't! Not past what happened. Everyone time I see your face it.... it kills me more and more! It'll never turn out right! It hurts Daryl! It hurts cause I love you and it hurts me to do that!" She's crying and then pulls at her side. The pain flies through it and he's concerned, but keeps his distance. "I jus..... I jus don't wanna love you any more. Please. Jus don't let me love you..."

He can't move. Or breath. Or feel anything. He's paralyzed by pain. By hurt. By anger and sorrow.

"I made a point in how I feel about losing you. And Beth, I'd do anything to keep you. To make you not feel pain. But I jus..... I jus can't do that. I can't do that when I know you love me as much as I love you. I'm sorry I won't do it."

"Daryl! Owee." Grabbing at her side she cries and pleads. Daryl steps closer and she can't hide her pain. She can't keep lying to him or her.

"What's the real reason Cause I know that whole shpeal wasn't it." She's still crying and more pain courses through her. He gets closer to her and she can't help but cry even more. "What are you hiding Beth?"

"Please Daryl... fshh...ow. Daryl please..." He steps closer and sits next to her on the bed. "Fine! Ow! Nicole said I have a 20% chance if ever being able to conceive!"

Daryl sits back in the chair. So she was lying to him.

"I jus don't want you to go through life, miserable with someone who can't give you a child! I jus'... it's not fair to you!"

"And sending me out was!? To lose the only person I'll ever love, was more fair than the truth? Beth, I don't care if we can't have kids! We can adopt! I don't care if your hair falls out or you get a saggy ass an breasts! I don't care if you become a hooker!" He takes a deep breath and she's wide eyes and still crying. "The only. ONLY thing I care about is you! And my life would be a fucking miserable piece of shit... if I didn't have you."

Leaning in and pulling her gently into him, he kisses her. She feels it in her. the spark of flames that's always been there. She'll never be able to extinguish it. She hopes she never has too.

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