Weeks Passing Like Shooting Stars

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Weeks Passing Like Shooting Stars

Ever since their first date, Daryl and Beth have been inseparable. It seems the more free time Beth has, the more time she and Daryl are together, shacking up in either her apartment, his house, her truck, or in his woods on a nice blanket. No matter where they are or what they're doing, everything seems perfect.

It's been five weeks since this whole ting started and neither one has ruined it. Sure, they had minor arguments over Beth, regrettably not telling him that she is a vegetarian and he blamed himself for her eating the stake and sausage on their first date, but she got him to look past it and forgive her. Which, she has just given up her vegetarian life for that, but she doesn't mind.

Today at work however, something else has got Beth not feeling so hot. At the nurses station, she and Michone copy down charts, make copies of paperwork and answer phone calls. Sure it ain't the best job at the hospital, but it gets her away from dumbshits 1 and 2 for the most part.

Pull the paper work from the bin, a pain shoots up Beth's side.

"Owe!" Michone looks over at Beth, who is bent over the bin and clutching her side.

"You okay?"

"Uh, yeah. It's been happenin' for a while now. Have no idea what it is. Ooo owe." She grabs her chair an sits down, taking deep breaths and trying to focus on work and not the pain.

"Is it yer' kidneys that hurt or appendix? What do you think it is?" Standing up, Michone walks over and feels Beth's sides.

"I don't know. It's jus' been like this for a while. Daryl has been lightly massaging it and it seems to go away, but we haven't looked into it yet."

"How's this whole thing goin' anyway? has he met yer Dad yet?" A wicked smile crosses Michone's face and Beth looks down.

"We're doin' that this weekend at dinner. It's gonna be fine right?"

"Til Daddy finds out about yer' sex habits." She grins an tosses some scrap paper in the trash. Beth stacks some charts in a bin by her feet.

"Stop it! It's gonna be okay. Ahh. As long as my side doesn't burst open." She grabs her side again and sucks a breath in.

"Maybe you should get an ultrasound down. Sounds like you might have kidney stones." Michone stand up and walks toward the staff lounge. It is her break and Beth just continues to file and hold her side.

On her break, she sits outside on a Beth and takes in the cool breeze that June has brought her and all of Georgia today. A rough pair of calloused hands come up behind her and cover her eyes.

"Hmm, I wonder who this could be?" When the hands let go, she's shocked to see who it is.


"Zach! What are you doin'?" He walks around the bench and sits down next to her.

"Came to say hi. Maybe see if ya wanted to go to Subway or that Indian place you like so much." This is not like him. To be sweet and considerate.

"Sounds good, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve and besides I already ate." She tries to sound nice, but she hates him. He was never nice to her before, why is he now.

"You mean yer still with Redneck guy? Guys like ten years older than you!"

"He's only eight! And sides, unlike you he's actually caring and thoughtful and cares about me." She tries to stand, but her side is in too much pain.

"I understand, but listen, I thought about it awhile, and I'm willing to look past yer brother knocking me out. So we can go out again." Beth scoffs at this.

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