Horse or Bear: Which Would You Eat?

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Horse or Bear: Which Would You Eat?

He stayed at the hospital for the next few days. Even though Beth is awake and looks alright, it's mandatory for coma patients to stay a few extra days to make sure they're cleared. In those days at the hospital, Daryl and Beth never brought up what happened in those two months. For Daryl, it was mostly cause he just doesn't remember an for Beth, she just didn't want to talk about it here.

They barely talk actually. If they do it's over food, tv, or stupid stuff like unknown facts. But today Beth gets to leave and that could be a good or bad thing. She already contacted her lawyer about Matthews stunt and they're guaranteed a win and his PHD revoked. Checking out, Beth is in the wheel chair and Daryl signs the papers. He wheels her out and had exchanged his motorcycle with Merle's truck, so it would be more comfortable for her.

"Here, let me get the door." Beth tries to stand but is really week. Daryl has the door opened and sees Beth trying to get up and she falls back to the chair. "Let me help."

Scooping her up, he places her in the passenger seat. She's forgotten how strong he is. How safe he feels in his arms. He runs the chair back in and then gets in the driver's seat an drives off. He's contemplating where to take her.

"Are you hungry?" Hey glances at her, as she has her elbow on the window watching the scenery escape past them and her hand propping her head up. She looks at him.

"Yeah. Haven't actually eaten in a week and the cafeteria food is terrible... You can just drop me off at my apartment if you want."

"We both know you don't have anything good to eat there. I'm taking you to get real food. What are you in the mood for. Pasta, BBQ, Mexican, Chinese? What makes yer taste buds tingle?" He looks at her and she's rubbing her ring finger. It feels so much lighter not having her ring there. Sure it was only on for almost a month, but she misses it.

"I'm just hungry. I'll eat anything. What do you want?"

"No, no. Yer picking. So what'll it be Princess Peach?" He gives her a smile and she wants to cry but doesn't.

"I guess BBQ. Oo thy have this new place up called Tasty Bones. Could we go there?" She forgets that she's been out of their relationship for a long time. She pulls back. He just makes her feel natural and happy. But she's not sure if he wants her back or if this is just what someone does for someone when they get better after being sick or hurt.

"Haha, as long as they have marinated things that I can lick flavors off my fingers afterwards, I'm game." They both laugh. Her laugh. Man how he alms or forgotten how great it sounds and how awesome it makes him feel. Her laugh is something he never wants to forget, just like her eyes and smile and touch... okay everything about her he wants to remember until he dies.

They arrive at Tasty Bones and get seated right away. They're in their own private corner of this bar type restaurant. The alcohol here makes Daryl nervous. After being drunk for so long, he feels he could slip back into that asshole by just the thought. Sure, he's over reacting, but he doesn't want to mess this up.

"Hi, I'm Rosita, I'll be yer server this evening. Can I start you off with drinks." Beth looks at the menu, then Daryl. She wants liquor but doesn't at the same time.

"Yeah, I'll take yer strawberry- lemonade sweet tea." Rosita jots it down and looks at Daryl.

"An could I please have a regular sweet ice tea with Splenda packets?"

"Absolutely. I'll be right back with drinks and to get yer orders." She rushes off and Daryl looks at Beth, who seems a lil out of place in public. He understands. Being in the hospital for so long makes you feel weird when you get out and are in public. Her hands are clenched together on the table. He sees they're shaking ever so slightly and her places one hand on top and sandwiches them with the other on the bottom.

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