Friday's Surprise!

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Friday's Surprise

They left the house in her truck. After her ultrasound and hopefully a diagnosis to why she's felt like shit for the past five weeks, Beth and Daryl plan to spend the whole day together. Daryl drives, while Beth chews a piece of gum nervously. She's still throwing up and truly fears that it's kidney failure. She hasn't told Daryl her thoughts about it yet, other than kidney stones.

The ride to the hospital is kind of silent and annoying. Daryl just feels bad about last night. He would've laid Merle out if Merle didn't say anything and wouldn't have left. He hates the thought of being old Daryl, the guy who beats the shit out of guys, and fucks girls and leaves them. Ever since Beth, he's been a better guy. Finally got a good job, feels happier, and has a wonderful woman that makes him more than elated. To lose that would send him into a insane rage.

He parks the truck and they head up to the second floor, where Dr. Matthews, or Dr. Hottie as Michone an Beth refer to him as, is having his nurse take Beth back to get ready. Beth changes into her shorts and is in a black sports bra, the nurse has Daryl in the room waiting for them to return. Dr. Matthews has just finished setting up the ultrasound machine and sits on his stool as Daryl stands next to the patient's bed clinical bench.

"So are you the brother?"

"No, boyfriend." Daryl doesn't like this guy. He looks like the cliche soup opera doctor- really good looking, styled hair, and charming smile. Daryl saw the way, Beth tried to hide her swoon to him. This guy makes Daryl look like a washed up guitarist from a shitty wannabe Rolling Stones band.

"Oh. Haha Beth never mentioned a boyfriend. Yer a lucky guy. She's very wonderful woman." Daryl grunts in agreement and wants to tear his head off. He knows that guy would do anything to get Beth. His Beth. And he's so charming, it could rightly happen.

Beth knocks on the door and then walks in. She tip toes across the cold floor and gets on her bed.

"Okay, just need to take her vital's real quick." He checks her heart beat, pulse, blood pressure, eyes, and throat. "Okay, everything looks good there. Now if you could lay back. I wanna feel around your stomach and pelvis."

She lays back and his hands are instantly on her. Her pushes across the top of her stomach, close to her breasts. Daryl watches like a hawk. Matthews goes across her pelvic bone and his hands slip underneath her to check her kidney areas.

"Any of that hurt or feel pressured?"

"A slight pressure on my abdomin." Beth has one arm under her head to prop her up. Daryl steps over and grabs her free hand. He making his claim; Beth thinks he's just being sweet.

"Okay, so now I'm gonna put on this jelly across her abdominal region. Ot's gonna be cold. Just so ya know." He starts to spread it around and she winces at the coldness of it. "Alright I got my machine up and ready. So by placing this part on the jelly, it's gonna send out sonic waves through the abdomin and form a picture on the screen by whatever it bounces off. Black is body fluid and white is tissue or organ."

As he slowly moves across her abdomin a low sound comes through.

"That's yer heartbeat." he goes closer to her pelvic area.

"What's that sound?" Daryl ask as he listens closer.

"I just told you that's Beth's heartbeat..."

"No that sound. It's like an over tone or something." A small balled up form takes formation on the screen and they all pause as Matthews enhances the sound structure. He sucks in a bit and Beth and Daryl are confused.

"Wha...what is it?" Beth leans closer to the screen as the blob starts taking a small form.

"Um, well ya don't have kidney stones." His voice sounds a bit nervous and a bit fake elation.

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