A New Kind Of Problem

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A New Kind Of Problem

It's been two weeks since they got engaged. Today they are ready for bed and cuddling after their long days at work. Beth has been feeling extra shitty these past two weeks. Her back has been hurting, she's been getting cramps, and he can't tell if it's the baby kicking or if it's something else, but she's been having deep pains in her pelvic and stomach area. She hasn't told Daryl about it. She doesn't want to worry him. That and he's sorta mad at her for telling him the sex of the baby after he told her not too.

Now it isn't a surprise at what they're having by all the pink baby clothes and toys and baby items, Beth and Maggie have been buying. It was the one thing he wanted, a surprise of what the baby is going to be, but now it isn't it or the baby, it is she or her or baby girl. Getting ready for bed, Beth lays down on her back, trying to avoid sensitive areas that she has notices cause the most pain in her stomach.

"We need a name ya know. Even if we narrow it down to a few." She calls to him as he brings the dogs back inside. He walks to her and then grabs a pair of pjs from the dresser. "No shirt tonight please."

That has also been his life lately. She has been telling him either no shirt or shirt for bed for the past week and a half. Her theory on this is,

shirt= warmth+ no skin contact which = no sex and a hot night.

No shirt=body heat+skin contact which =possibility for sex and a mix of hot night but not too hot.

It is ridiculous equations for her to have, but it lets him know the possible outcome for him. It's her suddle way of telling him she's horny, but without her directly saying it.

"On second thought, shirt." He sighs and pulls a shirt out and throws it on. "So names?"

"Wanna pull out yer handy-dandy notebook and jot em down so you don't claim we never went over em." That too has been his life. They talk about something important and thy never right it down and she gets upset or mad that they didn't talk about it, when he clearly remembers they had.

"Alright. Jees what's got yer boxers in a twist?" She pulls out the note pad and a pen. Daryl climbs into bed and sits next to her. "Can you right? I don't feel like tryin' to get up from this position."

"Sure." He takes the pad and pen an is ready to right. "Whatcha thinkin'?"

"Hmmm, I want it to be meaningful. Not just a random sound good name like Brittany or Taylor. I want it to be thoughtful and well ya know." Daryl sits back. This is gonna be harder than he thought.

"How bout after a friend or something. What's Annette's middle name?"


"Uhmm.... I like Maggie's middle name. Rose."

"Yeah... although I was thinking about it a lot lately, but... never mind it's dumb." She looks away and he doesn't want her to get frustrated with this since it was her idea, so he tilts her chin to him.


"Well uhmm. I was thinkin' maybe after yer Mom? Norma's a pretty name and I'm sure she had a pretty middle name. What was it?"

"Marie." He can't help but shut down a bit. She's been thinking of his mom and now wants to name the baby after her? He doesn't know if he can do that.

"What's wrong? Daryl? I'm sorry. We don't have to name her after the people we love, we can name her something common or...." She can see she's hurting him more. She tries to sit up, but her back hurts too much and the pain in her stomach is worse than ever that she can't hide her pained face or the slight painful groan. She lays back down.

"Are you alright?" Daryl is now alert and worried. He'a been hearing her make that skin at night some times when she tries to get out of bed or off the couch or some times just in the kitchen standing. He's been ignoring it, thinking it's just her back or just the baby kicking, but now he knows it's something more. "Beth."

She's laying still on her back and is so tense that she doesn't even open her eyes. The pain is way too much for her right now. She is white knuckling he sheets on the bed and her face is squished up in pain.

"Beth! What is it? What's wrong?" He is now kneeling on the bed beside her trying to get her to speak to him. He can see she's gritting her teeth and groaning in her throat. "Baby, come on. You gotta tell me. What hurts?" He tries to touch her but she screams and pulls back.

"Don't touch me... please.... Oh god it hurts! It hurts sooo bad! Please!! Owe Owe Owe!!!" That's all she can get out before she screams again.

"I'm calling the ambulance!" He runs out of the room and dials 911. "Hi, I'm Daryl Dixon, my fiancé, she's pregnant and in a whole bunch of pain. She's screaming and I don't know whats wrong! I need an ambulance."

"Just calm down sir, what's yer address?"

"6278 Buck Creek Road, Atlanta." He looks back into the room to see she's still in pain and now has her knees bent and her feet flat on the bed.

"Alright help is on the way, just try to stay calm and keep her calm. How far along is she?"

"Only two months."

"Do you know what she's having?" The woman on the other end is trying her best to keep Daryl calm. It's not really working, but she can expect that."

"A baby girl." Daryl is almost crying now. He is so scared that he's going to lose Beth that he can barely think about anything else.

"The Ambulance just radioed in and said their on yer road. I have to go now, but you just try to stay calm."

"Thank you..." He hangs up and goes back to Beth. "The ambulance is almost here, it's going to be okay. Okay. I'm right here." He kisses her forehead and strokes her hair. a knock at the door comes and Daryl runs to open it.

"Where is she?" A tall black EMT guy is standing at the door and a Shorter white guy is beside him with a gurney.

"Back here. She's in so much pain. We don't know what's wrong." The guys step in and go back to the bedroom.

"What's yer name darlin'?" The black guy asks. She just groans in pain.

"It's Beth." Daryl says as he chews on his thumb.

"Okay, Beth, I'm T- Dog and this is Chic. We're gonna get you on the gurney and into the truck okay. Which means I'm gonna have to lift you up with the sheet and put you on okay?" She doesn't move or anything, just grits her teeth in pain. T and Chic grab each end of the sheet and hoist her onto the gurney gently. They strap her in, not tight but enough she she doesn't move and wheel he out to the truck.

Daryl grabs his shoes and runs behind them, shutting the door as he goes, but leaving the lights on.

"Sir, we're not authorized to let you ride in the truck with her, so if you could drive behind us to the hospital. Don't worry, we have her locked down in here and we'll have her on a drip." Chic says as he walks around to the passenger seat after closing the back doors.

"Okay." Daryl can barely make that out without losing it. He gets in Beth's truck and drives behind them the whole way. Worrying what is happening with his fiancé.


Author's Note:

So the next chapter is going to tell us what's wrong with Beth and how they are goin to handle it. The diagnosis of her is not a real thing in real life... I don't think. I made it up for the story so just go along with it please.

Sorry for those of you who know different medical things, just bare with me as you continue reading.


Almy Rose ❤️❤️❤️

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