Surprise At Breakfast

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Surprise At Breakfast

Waking up, his back aches from falling asleep sitting up. Beth isn't against him or even in the room. Looking around, he smells breakfast food and sees her pill bottle an glass are missing. Stretching, he crack his back in a few places and gets out of bed walking to the kitchen, he pauses as he see the gray haired man standing over the stove. Trying to tip toe backwards he's stopped.

"Don't go tip toeing off now. Yer breakfast is almost done." Hershel turns his head around and Daryl freezes still. He hasn't seen him since the night him and Beth left his farm. He figures her dad already knows about them and their fighting and him leaving and stuff. Whatever he knows, Daryl knows that there isn't a good out come for him. "Have a seat. Beth went out to get coffee."

Daryl sits like a dog being scolded. Head down and arms in his lap. Moving closer to Daryl, Hershel looks, Daryl, like he's going to knock the day lights out of him. Daryl cowers a bit and them Hershel places a hand on his shoulder.

"How ya doin, son?"

"I'm okay. How are you?" He sounds meek and child like. Hershel chuckles.

"Nothin' to be scared bout. I know all bout what happened.Don't worry."

"Sir, I'm sorry."

"Bout what. As I hear it, she's the one who hurt you. She been beatin' herself up bout it for months. Jus' glad ta see ya both at least talkin'." Hershel stands to flip the pancakes over and to keep the eggs and sausage from burning. Daryl remembers this bein Beth and his first breakfast food. He smiles at the thought of the pancake flower in her face.

"We both said things.... it doesn't matter now. It's jus nice to see her again."

"I imagine it would be. Sorry bout the baby. That doctor better like prison food. Cause that'll be the least of his problems." They both smile. "have ya thank yer Brother for me. If it weren't fer him that bastard would've probably gotten away with hurtin' my lil girl some more." Hershel points the spatula at him and then laughs.

"Yeah, my brudder sure does good when he needs ta." They both stop as the door opens up and Beth walks in holding a bag of groceries in one arm and her purse and coffee in another. Without hesitation, Daryl gets up and grabs the things from her hands. Hershel can see he's still in love with his daughter. He smiles as Daryl whispers something in her ear and she smiles. They share a quick peck on the lips and both walk into the kitchen. Hershel pretends he wasn't watching and tends to the pancakes.

"Hey Daddy." She pecks him on the cheek and he smiles. "Mmmm. Smells good."

"Yeah, it's done fer sure. Did you call Merle and invite him?" Daryl looks at Hershel and smiles. No one ver invited his brother to breakfast. Or at least never thought too.

"Yeah, he has a date with this lady named Carol and her daughter Sophia. But he sends his appreciation."

"Wait he's seeing Carol again? Huh, guess he wants a change." Daryl thanks Hershel for the food and they all start to eat after they pray.

"Ye know. Change is good for people. Sometimes it's bad, but the bad things usually lead to better things. Remember that you too." Hershel takes a sip of coffee and Beth places a hand on Daryl's. He smiles down at it and then sees Hershel. He looks at his food and continue to eat.

"Daryl, I never gotta thank you for my barn."

"Ain't nothin..."

"No, no now. You should be proud of yer gift. And ya were hurt in the process. Ya did an amazing job."

"Thank you sir. I love to help." Daryl meekly says and Hershel laughs.

"You act like Imma pull yer teeth. It's fine. Why ya so nervous?" Both Beth and Hershel look at Daryl. His cheeks are bright red and he looks so nervous.

"Hey, yer fine... it's okay." Beth whispers in his ear and he looks at her with a discerning face.

"Sorry. Jus not sure what's goin' on here."

"Least yer honest." Hershel bites his sausage in half and dips it on syrup. "Great quality in anyone."

"Thank you."

"How bout we do somethin' today. We could go to the park or the beach. Oh, how bout we go to the zoo! Haven't been there since I was lil!" Beth bounces in her seat. Daryl shrugs his shoulders.

"I've never been there, so... It sounds fun." Hershel and Beth look at him as if he's crazy.

"You never been to the zoo? Like ever?" Beth grabs his arm. "Oh Daddy we have ya take him! There's also an aquarium attached and everythin! You'll love it!"

"Alright, Bethy. We can go, jus finish yer pancakes and coffee." Hershel shoves another sausage in his mouth and looks at Daryl. He seems half excited and half nervous. Hershel shakes his head. He fears this kid'll never warm up to him.

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