Morning Moments

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Morning Moments

Laying on the couch, Beth opens her eyes to the light rising sun from in between the curtains. Moose, who had taken up Beth's leg space, is now laying on top of her with his head on her chest. Stroking his head, Beth feels more than at home here. The smell of pine and fire filling her nose, the ambiance of the walls and area, everything making her feel safe. She looks at the clock on the wall an sees that it's only 6:30. Why would she ever wake up at 6:30 on a Saturday?

Sitting up, Moose leaves his position and Beth heads to the kitchen. Snooping around, she finds coffee that needs to be made, so she gets to work. As the coffee brews, Beth finds- eggs, sausage, pancake mix, bread for toast, and orange juice. While preparing breakfast, she thinks of what this could actually lead to. they're not dating, they didn't have sex, she already spent the night and is making him breakfast- how is any of this going to fall into a straight line?

Daryl rolls over in his bed with his mind racing through a dream.

| Dream|

Laying next to me, I can hear her soft breathing. Her back is to me, so I can only see the small waves of her hair in the dim light. I wanna reach out and touch her, but not disturb this beautiful moment. The curves if her body make mine shake. As she rolls over, our eyes meet, blue oceans colliding with each other with no control or care to tame them.

"Honey, why do you wake up so early?" Her pouty lips play against my bicep.

"Baby, I jus' love watchin' you dream." I can't help but curl a strand of her hair around my finger.

"Well what if I wanna see you dream an I can't cause yer awake? You should go back to bed." A smirk dances in her lips.

"I'm not tired though." My hand is now on her hip and she grins wickedly.

"I know how to make you tired."


"Sausage? What do you mean sausage I was going to say..."

|Dream Ends|

Daryl wakes to the smell of apple wood sausage links being cooked. He doesn't remember the last time he had them, but he knows he hasn't put any on the stove to cook. Then it hits him. Beth. As he slinks to the kitchen, making very sure to avoid creaking boards, he hears the low hum of country music playing and sees Beth swaying around the kitchen with a whisk in her one hand, a towel over her right shoulder an pancake flour on her cheeks and nose.

She doesn't notice his presence against the stone wall, until she turns around during a dance number of the song "Country Girl Shake", when she becomes aware of him and his creeping smile, she stops in mind dance and makes a caught face.

"Girl, yer something." He walks closer and looks at the spread of food on the island as she shyly flips the last of the pancakes. "Ya know it's only 7:10?"

"Sorry, if I woke you. I don't know why I woke up so early, but I hope you like breakfast food, cause ta-duh!" She gestures wide with both her arms in a jazz hand salute toward the food and he just laughs. "What? You don't like it?"

"No." his face is all serious and she freezes. She can't read him at all, he's like a brick wall.

"Ah, oh. I'm sorr...."

"It's perfect." He smiles and walks closer to her. "Gotta loosen up, Greene! If ya gonna make it 'round here." He kisses her forehead and then pours them both some coffee. Placing it in an empty spot on the island, he pulls a stool out for her and she smiles before she sits. He sits across from her and they both dig into the wonderfully smelling food. "This tastes amazing! Superb, Chef Greene! Bravo."

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