I Told Ya Not To!

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I Told Ya Not To!

When Hershel and the rest of the Greene's make their way up to the house, Hershel can see Daryl on the barn again. Tool belt on and hammer swinging. He was serious when he told him he didn't want him up there today. He sends Annette and Glenn and Maggie inside to help Beth with lunch, as he walks down to give Daryl a piece of his mind.

"What the Hell ya doin' up there? How'd you even get back up there?" He isn't happy at all. Hershel doesn't like people disobeying his orders.

"Well, I kinda just used some hay bails, a pallet, fork lift, and some tie downs. No big deal." Daryl hammers in another metal panel and looks down at Hershel.

"I told ya yesterday, ya weren't goin' up there."

"Well, I'm fine Mr. Greene. Got the roof almost all the way done, just a few more...."

"I told ya' not to!" Daryl can hear his anger growing. He doesn't get what the big deal is.

"I'm sorry. Jus' thought I'd get it finished for ya."

"Unsupervised? What if somethin' happened and no one was around to help or if ya fell and got really badly hurt? What then?"

"It's fine. Obviously nothin' happened. I built my whole house without any help or supervisor. I can take care of myself, I don't need..."

"Any one?"

Both go quiet. Hershel doesn't get Daryl's problem with a little rule following for his own safety.

"Ya know Daryl, I've noticed habits in ya. Habits tha' aren't particularly great for father's." Daryl starts getting mad. He can't believe this. He's turnin this whole thing around cause his daughter is pregnant? "Ya seem ta want to do stuff alone. Want a lotta alone time. To think. To work. Ya don't like bein supervised. Ya don't like takin' advice. Well the problem with those habits is, they're not gonna help ya out with babies. Ya don't get alone time when you have a kid. Ya don't get quiet spaces to think or work. Everything revolves around the baby. And what about the mother? Mother's gonna need ya too. Can't just leave to be on ya own. What if she needs you?"

"But that's not this. This is work, Hershel. At work, I am alone. What's a supervisor gonna do if I fall through the roof? Catch me? Probably not. What's a supervisor gonna do if he don't know how to come up with drawn plans, find the right tools, or know how to do it the correct way? I was hired cause I can work alone and get things done right the first time. Charlie was just here to make sure I got here right. He was gonna leave til his ladder was a bust. So in all honesty workin and babies are not mixed in my life. Cause I can do my job correctly and still get home in time to help Beth out and hell, even take days off if she wants alone time or rest or to go out with her friends. My workin alone, has nothin' and no impact on that baby or Beth. They come first. Everytime. I'm the last on everyone's list jncludin' my own." Daryl get the last piece of roof done and climbs down the hay and down the fork lift and walks over to Hershel. He goes to walk away when Hershel calls to him.

"If you put yerself last and Beth and the baby first, who's second?"

"Family, then work, house keepin, everything else on earth, then me." He gets inside and walks into the parlor, where Beth is sprawled out on the couch, takin' a nap. Walking over she looks so peaceful. He bends over and kisses her head an then goes into the kitchen.

"Hershel yellin' at ya?" Maggie, who is pulling celery stocks apart looks up for a moment and then back down to the food.

"Somethin' like that. I thought she was makin' lunch?"

"Was, then the tiredness hit 'er. I let her lay down. Can't really be strainin' herself now. Sure she's only five weeks, but the smallest strain or stress isn't good for her or the baby." Maggie place the celery on the cutting board and starts chopping. Daryl walks over to the side of her and grabs the tomato to cut. He really didn't know pregnancy does all this stuff to women. He figured they got sick for a few mornings, got check ups, then popped the kid out. He didn't know that they went through all this and then some.

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