Hospital Visits Play Mind Games

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Hospital Visits Play Mind Games

It's her day off, but the morning conversations with her mother has put Beth on the edge. Her truck leads her to the Hospital where her feet carry her up to room 309. She hasn't been a visitor in a hospital since her Father broke his collar bone from a bucking horse kicked him. She looks through the tiny window in the door before entering. She sees him, looking more relaxed and young, laying in bed watching Duck Dynasty.

She starts regretting this thought until his eyes meet hers. Those sea blue eyes that calm her ocean waves and make her coo over how much she wants to just stare into them all day and night.

Gravitating through the door, he presents her with a smirking smile and once again a blush takes over her fair cheeks.

"Afternoon Princess Peach!" His ostentatious and spritely tone lulls her hyperactive heart beat to almost a complete halt.

"Haha, good afternoon to you too! How are you feelin'?" She sets her purse on the night stand and pulls the chair closer before sitting.

"Fine. Last two days of been pretty good. Minimal pain, except heartache from not havin' my favorite nurse on call." He lets a laugh and smile consume him and Beth joins in.

"Oh, sorry bout tha'. I heard yer' getting out tomorrow? Have ya in a cast or walkin' boot?"

"Walkin' boot. Said that the fracture, was jus' a sprain actually."

"They do that a lot. Why I'm glad, I'm jus' a nurse and don't diagnose people."

A short silence fills the room. She doesn't know how long she's been gazing into his eyes, but she feels like it's been a good amount of time.

"Did anyone come an visit?" She sits back trying to break the silence.

"Jus' this good lookin' woman. Been tryin' to muster up the courage to ask me out, but so far she's been missin' the target and has almost run out of arrows." At first she really believes there's another woman, and becomes slightly jealous, until she realizes he's joking with her.

"Oh really? Is is prettier than me?"

"I don't know. Could be a tie. She's definitely not as jealous of you as you are of her." That hits her hard.

"I am NOT!"

"Woe you sure are a spit fire though. That's good." She stops and looks at him. "Cause when it comes down to it, that's the tie breaker right there, fire."

"What else is she like?"

"Ya know. Quiet, gentle, smart, cute. A whole bunch."

"What am I?" Daryl stops and thinks about this for a second. He does the "come closer" finger and Beth leans in closer as if he has a big secret about her. "Yer' gorgeous and a hidden gem."

It touches her heart. She can't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach start a swarm. She turns her head and he's still right there. His lips beckon her, but she doesn't want to seem needy or whore-ish. She doesn't move either.

"Well that's something, I never heard 'fore." He starts to pull away and then stops. His eyes meet hers again and then he lays back in bed.

"So if this is yer' day off, why ya wanna hang here with me? Always visit yer' patients on yer' day off?" His caustic tone is off putting slightly.

"No, jus' the interesting ones." She can't help but play with her petite fingers. Whenever she was nervous growing up the only thing that would remotely calm her down was playing with her fingers. Now she still plays with them, but it seems more silly a tactic for her. But Daryl, however gruff and influential he is, finds this adorable, if he'd ever describe anything as "adorable", it'd have to do with this girl.

"Ain't that cute?" Beth looks up from her hands and sees the redneck's blue eyes gazing at her hands and then to her face.

"Wha...what is?"

"Tha' you find me interestin' and is nervous bout it." He scratches his ear with his hand an then rests it behind his head. "You always blush this much?" His eyes fall to hers and he is paralyzed. He's never, in all his life, seen raw beauty like this. His heart skips a beat and his lower lip drops. The intensity of her beauty weighs his heart down to where he's not even sure it's in his chest any more.

"Why you staring at me like tha'?" Her frail voice is something of an erotic lullaby.

"Not to seem forward, but, yer' gorgeous. I, I don't know how I missed it before. Yer' jus'.... I, I'm sorry, Beth. I'm being too overt with my thoughts." Now he's the one blushing. He forces himself to look away from her and looks at the blanket covering his lower half. Beth, again being bold, places her right hand on his left cheek and turns his faces so he's looking at her. He doesn't look up until her hand stops moving and when he does, it's into her oceanic eyes that synchronize with his.

"I like overt." She can't stop herself from leaning forward and giving him a light kiss on his cheek. But when the kiss was placed part of her lips on the corner of his. He instantly embraces the back of her hair with his hand and brings her closer. At first she doesn't want to kiss him like that, but she relaxes and he gently kisses her lips. No tongue or anything rough or too intimate, just a three second long kiss that when he leaves go of her still lingers on her lips.

"I, uh, I'm sorry." He shies away again and she holds his right hand.

"Don't apologize unless you regret it, and I... I don't"

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