Two Months Pregnant and Already For Duty

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Two Months Pregnant and All Ready For Duty

Beth hasn't talked to Daryl about that night she cried herself to sleep. It's bothered him for two months that she wouldn't even explain or remotely tell him about it. Sure it's not really his business, but she is his girlfriend, so he deserves to know what makes her upset, especially if it concerns him. But since that day she hasn't had a crying fit... least he doesn't think she had.

Today is both Daryl and Bath's day off. Neither wants to leave the house, or really their bed. They're not having sex, though they did indulge this morning, the rest of the day, they just want to relax and laze around. Beth is laying with her chest against Daryl's in between his legs. He's sitting up and they're watching Psych. Their hands are on her small stomach that has grown a few inches around, so you can tell she's pregnant now.

"Ooo." Beth says as she's spooked slightly by movement.

"What was that?"

"I.... I think the baby just moved!" She grabs his hands and place them on the spot hers were. They wait. Suddenly she feels it again and his hands move up.

"Haha, it did. Our baby moved!" He kisses her as he twists her head back to look at him.

"It feels even weirder havin' it inside you." Beth doesn't know how much joy this is for Daryl, but knows he is excited about it by him moving his hand all around her stomach to feel the baby kick. "We get to find out what the sex is this week."

"Do we wanna know? I mean does it really matter? As long as he or she is happy why can't it be a surprise?"

"You jus' wanna be right when it comes out don't you!" He turns around so she's facing him and he just starts laughing.

"Honey, I got a fifty- fifty shot! Don't ruin it for me!" She smacks him with a pillow and he grabs her wrists. He pulls her in to kiss her and she swoons at him. She sits with her legs on either side of his lap and has her hands resting on the back of his neck. Daryl places his hands on her stomach and rubs small circles with his thumbs.

"I love you. I love this. I didn't think I would, but I really do. And I love you so, so much." He kisses her stomach and then her neck and lastly her petit lips. "I'm so glad you were my nurse that night. I think I love you that very night and at the park. You were meant to be mine and that's why I got you this."

He reaches into his bed side table's drawer and pulled out a box of bandaids. Once agains she looks confused at him. She didn't expect this from him, much like on their first date.

"Another box of band aids? Do you really think I'm gonna hurt you?" She smiles and laughs at him.

"Nah, just make it better.... open it up." She opens it up and grabs a note out of the box. As she's readin it, she doesn't realize that Daryl grabbed an actually black velvet ring box from the drawer and opened it up as she read out loud.

"You mean so much to me that I can't truly express in words. I just want you for my own forever. Already talked to Hershel.

Will you marry me?"

She looks up with tears in her eyes and sees him holding the open ring box. The diamond was a very nice size. She never expected one really expensive before from anyone. She covering her mouth with cupped hands and is nodding up and down.

"Is that a yes?" Daryl says elated.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times!" She kisses him between each word. Daryl was the last person she pegged to ask her to marry him. He takes the ring out and places it on her ring finger. They kiss forever and then finally stop.

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