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It's been a couple of months and Jacks body is finally healed. His family came back from vacation but for some reason he rather stay at my house. I'm fine with that because I love Jack and his company. My mom also said it's fine seeing we are always together so it was just easier

"OMG GUESS WHAT" Jack yells walking into our room
"I'm happy for you"
"IM HAPPY TOO OMG WE CAN GO ON A REAL DATE" he says jumping up and down
"don't worry about us worry about getting better"
"woah woah woah calm down" I say stoping him from jumping
"If you insist"


"COME ON LETS GO" Jack yells bursting through the door
"OH. MY. GOD. YOU. SCARED. ME" I say falling to the ground
"Omg are you okay. I didn't mean to scare you like that"
"Im. Fine." I say out of breath
"Are you sure let me get you some water"

He gets me some water and I finally calm down

"Okay let's go now"
"I'm so sorry for that"


We get to some restaurant and automatically get sat down

As we are waiting for the waiter to come to our table to take our drink order we see Zach come in with Ava. Oh god this is going to be a long night

Oh and they get sat right next to us how perfect

"He really knows how to ruin a perfect date" Jack says
"Don't think about them just enjoy the moment we are having right now" he says grabbing my hand

I give him a weak smile my heart beating faster then ever

The waitress comes to our table and automatically starts flirting with Jack. Well great just what I need. This night is  going downhill very fast

She takes our drink order looking at Jack the whole time. When she finally walks away he looks very uncomfortable

"I think the world is out to get me tonight" I say
"Hey it's not that bad"
"Spending time with you is not bad sitting next to my ex crush of 5 years and best friend of 10 on a date with the girl that caused you to cheat on me the most with the addition of a waitress who can't stop looking and flirting with MY not hers MY boyfriend is bad"
"She wasn't flirting with me"
"Are you dumb? She was looking at you the whole time and did you see that little bitch bend over showing her fucking fake ass to pick up a 'fork' that wasn't even on the floor"
"Calm down please"
"Sorry I don't like people like that. Like you can obviously tell it's a date"

She comes back and gives us the drinks and then takes our order. She of course takes Jacks first and then she takes mine being very rude

She finally goes away and I glare at her as she walks away

"Oh hey Jack I didn't know you still come here" Ava says from her table with Zach
"Ye-Yeah I do. I-I love it" he says nervously
"Shouldn't you be communicating with your date Zachary" I say

Jack kicks me under the table really hardly

"Oh you're back with her I see. If you ever need an excuse to leave her again call me" she says winking going back to Zach

"Do I have permission to attack her" I ask jack
"No... come on just block her out and enjoy our date please. I took you here because it's my favorite restaurant and I wanted to share it with you"
"Okay Fine But if any of them say anything else I will hurt them"


We get our food after much painful waiting. It was painful because Ava kept looking at Jack in a way that I was just not comfortable with

She gives us our food and I'm pretty sure she did something to mine

Just kidding but she seems like that type of girl

"You know I love you right" jack randomly says
"Um yeah why"
"Just making sure. I don't say it enough"
"Are you kidding me you say it every day. You literally text it to me every morning and night I don't think you have to tell me anymore"
"I know but I want you to know and be sure that I do. I don't want any doubts"
"Trust me I don't doubt it at all"
"Well good cause I truly do"


We finish dinner and are about to leave the restaurant when Ava gets up and kisses him... on the lips

I'm about to attack her when I see Jack pushes her away very quickly

"Excuse me what are you doing" he says
"Showing you what you could have"

"I have everything I need already so don't ever kiss me again." Jack harshly says walking to my side taking my hand and walking away


We get home and all I want to do is sleep to get rid of my anger

I go automatically to our room and he follows

I lay in the bed and throw the covers over my head not wanting to deal with anything

"Are you mad at me" I hear Jack say
"No I'm mad at a lot of people but you are not one of them" I say pulling off the covers
"Good cause I don't want you to be mad" he says laying down in the bed
"I just want to be with you with no drama it's not fair to us." I say pulling him close to me putting my head on his shoulder

He moves around so that his arm is around my waist and his head is on top of mine

"We have one last year here once we graduate, we will move out of state, start our own life together, and we will never have to deal with anyone of these people ever again"

He kisses me and we fall asleep dreaming of our lives together

Sometimes it's not the people we want but it's the people we need that make us feel endless love.

Sometimes it's better to forgive those who do you wrong and trust that they are and always will be your true one love


And we're done. Thank you so much for choosing to read this story. I have many others that you can read and I have an idea for another

This was kind of a weak ending but I found it cute lol

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora