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*next class*

We walk into History and again I sit down and he talks to the teacher

In this class Jonah, Jack and Zach's friends Corbyn and Daniel sit all around me.

With that I notice that Chris will probably not sit next to or near me

He gets sat in front of Corbyn which is diagonal to me meaning he sits three seats away

When he sits down he turns to me and frowns

I frown and then laugh back

Class starts and again the teacher tells the whole class about Chris and how he's new.

Then the teacher gives us notes to write and we write them

Then she gives us homework to do and we start it.

Everyone starts moving around and Chris comes to sit next to me

"Heyyyy" he says

"You again" I say

"Oh I'm sorry" he says a little upset

"No no it's fine I'm just joking." I say

"Okay good" he says relieved

"Well how do you like this hell I mean class" I ask

"It's not that bad"

"You're kidding right this class is the worse class in this school. I don't know what's worse the lesson or the teacher" I say shocked

"It's really not that bad" he says

"I guess not"

We finish the worksheets and put them away.

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें