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My phone rings again and Jessica picks it up

"Hey What are you doing" I say to her
"Telling this 'friend' to stop calling"
"Cause theyre annoying me" she says

She answers it


"Who is this and why are you calling my boyfriend" I hear a voice say
"I'm Julia who are you"
"I'm Jessica" she says
"Sorry well can you tell him to call me when he gets the chance"
"Okay then"
"So why are you calling"
"it's not important"
"No you clearly need to talk to him seeing you keep calling"
"I just needed to ask him something"
"Well you can ask me"
" I don't think I can"
"Why if you can ask Zach then you can ask me"
"Fine I was just going to ask umm when uh his birthday is Yeah that"
"Why do you care"
"Truth is I don't That's not Why I'm calling"
"I can tell now want is it"
"Not important"
"Whatever just stop calling"

She hangs up


"Ugh she's so annoying" Jessica say
"Cause she keeps calling aren't you annoyed"
"I guess"
"Do you know why she's calling"
"I have an idea"
"And what is that" she asks
"Just nevermind" I say
" wow you're just going to keep this a secret from Me"
"That's it I'm tired of this" she says getting angry
"Wait what"
"I'm tired of you keeping secrets I'm done"
"Is this another break up" I ask
"Yes" she says getting up and leaving
"Wait" I yell towards her
"Good Bye Zach" she says walking out

I can't believe this happened again. I actually liked her a lot. I think for the first time I'm heartbroken

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt