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I accidentally fall asleep and when I wake up I see it's dark out.

I also notice My heads on something

I open my eyes fully and see I must have fallen asleep on Jacks legs

I quickly check my phone and see it's 10 o'clock

I also see he's smiling at me

"Why are you smiling" I say suspiciously
"You fell asleep on me it's cute"
"Sorry about that." I say picking my head up
"It's Fine. Suddenly you were just sleeping and soon your head was falling and Bam! It hit my legs and I wasn't about to wake you up" he says
"Well I'm tired I'm going to sleep" I say
"Where should I go" he asks

I totally forgot that he had to stay at my house

"Hold on let me find an open room" I say
"Is your house that big that you don't know which room isn't taken"
"I don't know"

I walk upstairs and look for a room that's open. All the rooms are locked and the only one that isn't just has a couch.

I walk back downstairs trying to think of a solution

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ