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"So my name's Chris like I said and I'm 16. I moved to this school because I got kicked out of my old school. And Um that's kinda all." He says

Oh so he's a bad boy. Let's see if maybe I can get over my crush for Zach.

"If you don't mind me asking why did you get kicked out" I say

"Well it was a fight and since I started it and it wasn't the first time they kicked me out. And the fight was because this kid was trying to get with my girlfriend and I was just not having it so i fought him."

Oh great he has a girlfriend

"Oh So you have a girlfriend"

"Well I did before I left but she broke up with me because she didn't want to be 'hurt when I left her for a new girl'" he says

"Oh that sucks"

"Yeah well tell me about you" he says

"So my names Julia and sadly I've lived here my entire life"  I say

"Oh do you have a boyfriend" he asks

"No, there's not really many attractive boys here and if they are attractive their awful humans" I say

"Aw how do you know that they are all awful" he asks

"Well about six months ago I dated one of the people in this school and during our year long relationship he cheated on me with a number of girls he even wrote me a list of all the girls he cheated on me with. So I guess that ruined my feelings on boys in this school" I say

"Oh that's awful I would never do that"

"Well then good thing you're here"

"Good thing I came"

We're almost back to the class and as we're walking and talking it's clear that he's flirting with me and I'm flirting back

For a second I forgot about my crush on Zach

We get back to the class and sit in our seats

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Where stories live. Discover now