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I turn and look at him and boy does Jack look mad. I can't tell if he's just jealous or what. I also don't know if he's mad at me.

I look at him and smile to see what he'll do. When I smile he smiles back and looks less mad. Okay good so I don't think he's mad at me

"That was weird" I say
"I think he hates me. Yeah definitely. Oh no he's walking over here"
"Calm down he doesn't hate you" I say

To be honest I'm not quite sure that's right

"Are you sure he doesn't cause he looks like he does" he says
"Okay there's a possibility he does. But there's no need to"
"True. Now can we talk about something else before he wants to kill me"
"Sure. Tell me about the girl"

He walks over to us and as Chris is talking about the girl he met Jack looks less tense and upset and walks by, pretending he was just getting a tissue

"See he doesn't hate you"
"Hmmm. Should I ask him"
"No you shouldn't"
"Why not"
"Well if you want to then go ahead but based off of what I've heard I wouldn't" I say
"What have you heard"
"Seeing the reason you're here is because you got into a fight and Jack well he's gotten into a few fights for no reason, I only see this becoming a fight" I say
"Okay that's true but I don't think it will become one" he says
"Okay well then go and ask" I say

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Where stories live. Discover now