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* Chris texts *
C- hey I'll be back Monday
M- yay just to let you know Mr. M changed seats and you're behind me
C- Aw man well as long as you'll still talk to me
M- lol
C-oh and while I've been at the doctors I've seen this same girl. And today I finally had the courage to talk to her
M- is she nice
C- very
M- oooo

*jack texts*

J- I haven't stopped smiling since you left
M- me too
J- im glad we're back together
M- same. Oh and apparently I didn't have to leave as early as I did
J- Wdym
M- yk how I left because I was afraid my mom would yell at me. Well turns out she knows and she wanted me to be able to spend more time with you
J- oh that's weird. At least that means she doesn't hate me. I'm surprised she doesn't
M- yeah me too lol

*nicole texts*
N- so what's new
M- I'm dating Jack again
N- okay be careful
M- why
N- remember
M- yes I remember
N- okay good
M- I really think he's different
N- he better be cause I'll hurt him if anything happens
M- ik ik
N- well is it awkward
M- not really. We're kinda just starting from where we left off
N- what do you mean
M- idk he just said can we start where we left off and I was like okay. And it was just so he could say Love you
N- okay I gotta admit that's kinda cute
M- lol ik

For the rest of the night I just go on my phone and think about how even though this week was very overwhelming it still ending great

Now all I need to do is stop my crush for Zach.

✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Where stories live. Discover now