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All day today I've been falling asleep in all my classes luckily for me half of my teachers were absent and the other half well just didn't care

I just want to sleep but unfortunately I have homework to do.

During my homework I end up falling asleep.

I wake up and notice I'm in my bed

"How'd you sleep" I hear a voice say

"Huh" I say turning around to see Jack standing over me

"You fell asleep doing your homework and i somehow brought you here."

"But How" I say standing up

"Well you were very much asleep so I just pushed you up the stairs"

"But your foot"

"What about it"

"Well it's broken how did you get up the stairs"

"I walked up the stairs yeah it hurt but it's all okay"

"oh. what time is it?"

"its 11 o'clock" he says

"really? so i slept for 10 hours?"

"yup. so how do you feel"

"not sure im not really tired though"

"well looks like you caught up on all the sleep you lost. but now you're getting extra sleep" he says sitting down

"but i cant sleep anymore im tired and i have things to do" i say sitting next to him

"like what?"

"my homework"

"already done"

"no i started it but didnt finish"

"wrong i finished it for you. and before you say anything about if the answers are right i made sure on Google and asked my friend Corbyn for confirmation."

"oh well in that case i dont have anything to do..."

"but sleep..right. i hope thats what you were planning to do cause im really tired"

"yes sleep is what i was talking about"


✅ One Love//Z.H, J.A ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon