Kakashi~ Just a hook up...(SHORT CHAPPY ALERT!!)

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Name: Hikari Nara

Age: 26

Background: Shikamaru's cousin but she lives with him and his parents since her parents passed away on a mission when she was younger. She has attempted suicide once because she was always picked on by the other students when she was a Genin at age 9 and was one of the youngest. After her suicide attempt she went into a deep depression and hardly lets anyone get close to her. She cuts but only when she is really stressed. She is a Jounin now.

Looks: long light brown hair and stormy blue eyes. She wears long black fingerless gloves that reach her elbow. She has the Nara Clan Symbol tattooed on her bicept. She wears the normal jounin flak jacket with a fishnet shirt and a black tube top that reaches her belly button under it, and she wears black ninja sweat pants that has her kunai holder tied to her right thigh and regular black ninja sandals

Likes: reading, people that know personal space, and keeping a cool attitude

Dislikes: Anko, Gai, anyone who questions her abilities, and being pestered whether she is emo or not


I walked up a quiet grassy hill when I tripped and fell over something.

"Damn woman,"

Or rather someone, "Shikamaru what the hell are you doing?"

"Well I WAS napping...But not any more..." he said sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Don't you have a test or something?" i asked sitting up next to him.

"I already passed my exams...Now just for that you owe me 100 yen."

"I'm not your parent. I don't need to give you an allowence." I replied, he raised an eyebrow.

"What if I said I could hook you up with Kakashi sensai?" he asked, I felt my cheeks flush.

"W-Why do you think I wanna be with him...?"

"Auntie HIkari, everyone knows." he answered, I threw a pebble at him.

"So what if I do? Like your gonna be of any help."

"I will if I get paid..."

"Fine. 100 yen every time you help. Deal?"

"Deal Auntie." He said shaking my hand. I noded and we both stood up.

"Well, bye kid." I said waving him off. He waved me off to and we went our seperate ways.

~~Next day~~

I woke up early as usual and went to the training grounds. I started to train as usual when someone  caught my shuriken in mid wind. I saw the silver streak again and it gave me my shuriken. "Good morning Hikari."

"Morning Kakashi." I said as he stood next to me, reading his book. "What brings you here so early?"

"Your nephew told me to be here this morning for...Well he never said why." Kakashi answered with a shrug.

I blushed slightly but shook it off and continued my target practice. He went to the other side of the feild within a flash and caught my shuriken. "Kakashi do not start this,"

"Why not? I was asked to be here and now I am. I'm not gonna sit here and be bored." He replied not looking away from his book.

The rest of the morning went by with us throwing shuriken at each other and laughing when we missed. It was a really fun time we had together. When we finished and were exausted from our practice and from our laughter, we went out to breakfast--well brunch-- at the tea shop.

We talked for hours and he even cancled his training with his team to spend time with me. I offered to train with them but he declined it and we decided to take a stroll through the park. We sat in a tree and watched as the kids played and ran around happily.

Then there was this couple. They were around our age. They were holding hands, and kissing, hugging, and cutesy romantic stuff. I looked over at Kakashi who was reading his novel, "How come your still single?"

"Hm? Oh well...I've had my eye on someone for a while but I'm not sure if they like me back.." He answered not looking away.

"Who is she?" I asked looking at the ground that seemed far away from me.

"She's sitting next to me right now..." He answered with a smirk through his mask.

I blushed, "Oh...Well the one I admire is sitting next to me too..." I kept looking down until Kakashi picked up my head and made me look at him.

"Are you gonna faint and freak out like my last girlfriend did?" He asked pulling down his mask slowly.

"Of course not." I answered. He smiled and pulled his mask down completely before pulling me into a sweet kiss.


Time passed as Kakashi and I grew closer together in our relationship. We grew old together and had two twin baby girls. They had their fathers hair with my looks and we lived happily ever after. Te end.


At least I posted it!!!! Im sorry its late aaaannnndddd short but its as best as I could do. I've been cut for a LOT of time, and I have school, irritating sisters, and coping with all of that and being a writer is VERY VERY VERY HARD. Please take my word when I say Im sorry and that I'm trying my best.

BUT!!!! Do me a favor and Vote for my friend Calienia in the NArtuoWattyAwards!! Her books are amazing and she's a stupendous writer!!!

The account name is @NarutoWattyAwards


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