Naruto~ Midnight Lovers

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Name: Furi Ishihama

Looks: White short hair, black neko ears, black coat, usually wears a white shirt underneath, pink eyes.

Likes: Pineapple, walking late at night, hugs and getting others to laugh

Dislikes: Ducks, people bad mouthing others and Taijutsu

Other things: Has sleeping problems, not good with Taijutsu at all, and finds good points in every person


I was swinging on a swing. It was around midnight and my insomia was getting to me again, so I decided to stroll around the park. My ears picked up a sound and I looked around. I stood up and took out a kunai.

"Calm down it's only me Furry-chan..." Naruto said coming into sight.

"Oh..." I said relaxing. He smiled, his bright smile lighting up the skiy, far beyond the moon.

"Why are you up this late?" he asked sitting down in a swing.

"I couldn't sleep..."

"Did you try warm milk?" He asked as I sat down next to hinm. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"A neko joke?"

"Well kinda...But warm milk is reaaaally good when you can't get any sleep!" he answered with a smile, I giggled softly and smiled at the ground.

"Well I would but-"

"But?" he asked.

"But, even if I did I can't sleep...Its just not that possible for me.."

"Well, I'm gonna help you then!" he bursted happily. He grabbed my hand and then he brought me to my house. "Now open the door..."

I took out my key and unlocked the door. He took me inside and lead me to my room, "Um..."

"Gotta get in your jammies..." He said with a smirk. I kicked him out of my room and locked the door. "THATS NOT FAIR!"

"My house my rules.." I said through the door. I got undressed and put on a big T-shirt. I opened the door back up and Naruto was standing there in his boxers and his under shirt.

"I'm tired..." He yawned walking into my room. I blushed as he layed down on my bed. I layed down next to him facing the oposite way. He wrapped an arm around me. "Stage one, something to cuddle..." He murmured.

I closed my eyes and soon dozed off.

That was the first full sleep I got for a while now...

~~~~The Next Night~~~~

I was sitting up reading a book under the moonlight by my window. Something covered my light and I looked over to see Naruto sitting on the edge of my window. HE smiled up at the dark grey clouds then looked at me.

"Stage two, relaxation..." He said with a deep breath. He climbed into my room again and sat down on my bed. He took off his jacket and pants and layed down with another deep breath. "So...whats up?"

"I'm starting to think you lost your keys and that you need a place to crash..." I replied laying down and facing him.

"I did....Well actually Sakura had Kiba and Akamaru hide them from me since I called her flat chested..." He chuckled.

"Why did you call her flat chested...?" I asked giggling.

"I was err..." He looked away blushing.

"You were....?" I continued.

"Promise not to hit me if I tell you?" He asked holding out his pinkie.

"Sure" I grabbed his pinkie and locked it with mine.

"I was comparing her body to yours...You won though." He said with a small grin on his face.

"Thats um..." I said looking away.

"Hehe..." He murmered pulling an arm around me. He soon fell asleep and I started to drift off as well.

But then a bit after he dozed off I felt...Well a toy train on my buttox. I blushed as Naruto cuddled into my neck and muttered something. The thing on my lower half got harder and I sat up. Naruto moaned and then rolled over to the other side.




"No, I like your bra its pretty..."


"Moaning my name...hehe..."


"Huh?!" He asked sitting up his eyes half open.

"Couch. Now."

"B-But I was-!"


He whined but got up and walked into the living room and slept on the couch that night.

~~Next Night~~

I was eating a mid night snack when Naruto showed up again. He sat down next to me and threw my food at the wall, "Eating after bedtime is bad for you."

"And how would you know?" I asked surpressing my laugh.

"I've had my experiance." he said with a shug and a chuckle in his voice.

"Sure, now go clean my wall you foxy man." I said shooing him off. He groaned.

"But Furry, I don't wanna~!" He whined. I gave him the paper towels and he groaned but went to work anyways.

~A min or two of Naruto whining later~

"You owe me for that..." Naruto said laying down in my bed again.

"I do not, your the one who messed up my wall in the first place." I replied laying down next to him.

He pinned me down and I blushed, "Nahh, I definatly deserve a reward..."

I struggled to get him off, but my skills for taijutsu aren't much of Lee's or Gai sensai's.....Or even a kittens...."U-Um..." I stuttered looking the other way.

He made me face him and he pushed our lips together in a sweet kiss. When he pulled away I yawned sweetly and rubbed my eye.

"Heh, took your breath away?" He asked with a chuckle. I nodded and yawned again. "Furry, will you be my kitten?"

"Yes Foxy, now can I go to sleep now?" I asked, he chuckled and pecked my lips again before falling to my side. I cuddled into his chest as he pulled the blanket over us.

"Night Kitten,"

"Goodnight....Foxy...." I said falling asleep.

That was definatly the best sleep I ever got.



*hits head against wall*


*hits head against wall*


*sad face*


*none of you forgive me I bet*


*with a sexy gym teacher*


*Damn Itchy-scratchy lady...*


*But not my apple juice*

(;.'.;'.'')  (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'') (;.'.;'.'')

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