Kiba~ Its a puppy thing

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Name: Kim

Age: 13

Looks: black hair that goes to her collar bone. Her eye color is a bright green turns into a golden yellow when she gets ticked off.

Personality: Kind, easy going, stubborn, smart, swears when you tick her off

She is a Neko :3 She has black ears and a black tail


"Hey Kitty-Kat," someone said swinging their arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Foxy-Man," I giggled looking over at Naruto.

"Wanna go pull some pranks??" He asked excitingly.

"Don't you usually do that with your guy friends?" I asked.

"Shikamaru's taking a nap, Chouji's on a mission, and well... I don't know where Kiba is..." He answered with a shrug.

"Go and find him. And if you can't then I'll go pull pranks ok?" I asked. He groaned but nodded heading off near the Inuzuka house.

I yawned and sprawled out across the Forrest green grass underneath me. The warm sun let its warmth envelope me completely and I sighed relieved from a long day. I didn't go on a mission today, but I've been running errands for my mom and everyone else that happens to pass me by. I can be super stubborn, but when people pull the puppy-dog eyes I just can't say no to them.

Shhhh, don't tell Naruto though, ok??

"I CAN'T FIND HIM~~~~~!" I heard Naruto yell at me.

I sat up and looked over at the happy blonde boy, "Well he's a lot like dogs right?"


"Can't you just call him like a dog then? Or blow a dog whistle?" I asked standing up.

"I don't you think that would actually work?" He asked.

"Well, he is somewhat dog..." I answered with a shrug and flicking my tail side to side.

"You try it then," he said crossing his arms behind his head.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and took a deep breath. "Kiba~! C'mere boy! C'mere Kiba!! Where's my good boy?" I shouted loudly.

We waited a couple more seconds before Kiba ran around the corner with Akamaru on his head. He jogged over and panted a little, "What's up?"

"I cannot believe that worked." Naruto sighed.

"Well it did. Kiba do you wanna go pranking with Naruto?" I asked with a smile.

"I guess so. Are you going too?" he asked and Akamaru barked.

"Sure, sounds like fu-"


Naruto groaned, "I guess we can't today. Sorry guys." he whined and then waved, walking off towards Sakura and her pinkness.

"I guess it's just you and me then?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not in the actual mood for pranking." I said sitting down with a yawn.

"So what are you gonna do then?" Kiba asked as Akamaru jumped off of his head.

"Bask in the sunlight." I answered laying down in the sun.

"You're such a cat." he groaned sitting down across from me.

"Well yeah, I'm kinda a neko." I replied yawning again and curling my body do that I was facing him.

"What else do cats do?" I asked.

"We sleep, be lazy, be sneaky, mmm... And cuddle." I answered looking up at him, Akamaru sat down on my back and I smiled.

"But cuddles are more of a puppy thing." he replied, Akamaru barked in agreement.

"I think us cats do it better." I said with a smirk.

"Well puppies are way better than cats anyways," he shrugged.

"Cats rule puppy-dogs drool," I stretched out and then sat up.

"A dog can do anything a cat can do, maybe even better." He taunted.

We sat and stared at each other for a long time, not saying anything, just looking. "Neko's are better kissers," I taunted with a smirk.

"That is SO more of a dog thing! And I would know-"

"Kiba let's face you the only thing you kiss is your pillow." I giggled and he threw grass at me.

"What ever." He stood up and brushed himself off, "how about we settle this later?" He asked.

"Later when?" I asked.

"Later as in... A date." He smiled.

I gaged, "with you?"

"Yeah.. At the BBQ shack."

"Your such a dog," I sighed laying back down.

"It's a puppy thing." He chuckled and then walked off with a smile.


So, this wasn't one of my BEST one shots, but I, still getting them done...sorry to whoever that this isn't one of my best. I apologize to you. (:.,";:,') |~~|

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