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Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding truth


"I am impressed" he grinned at me. His black eyes held nothing but pure hatred in them. "I never wanted to stay with you guys. I was just waiting for perfect time to execute my plan" I was shocked how we always believed him. He was playing the role of the perfect uncle and we never doubted him not even once. "They were your family. How could you do this to them?" the caring person who always took care of us was gone. In front of me was a monster who had gone completely insane.

"Foolish sentiments don't work in this world Y/n. You need money and power to survive" I glared at him trying to look fearless but that only made him more confident. "I tried to let my brother live but he was too obedient and didn't let my plan work so I had to kill him"

"What did you do to him?" he placed the chair in front of me just like Yoongi. "Let me tell you the story" I waited for him to tell me what happened that day because all I know is his father dies but no one how it happened. "I went to finish the deal that night with your dad and my brother. My plan was to kill your dad and blame it on other gang" he sighed faking sadness. "But my idiot of brother saved him in time. He found out about my plan and I had to kill him to save myself"

"Then why did Yoongi said my father killed him?" he laughed at me mockingly. "I made him believe him that. That kid has lot of potential. I am just helping him in using that" he is playing with Yoongi mind. I knew he is not the bad guy. I have to tell him and save him from this monster. I have to get out of here safely first. "You bastard" I pulled his shirt angrily and punched him in the face. I won't let him get away with this. No one can mess with my family and walk away that easily.

He wiped the blood from his lip groaning. "You bitch" he pulled his gun pointing at me. "If you kill me now Yoongi will be mad at you" I told him trying to save myself. He wants my brother to come first before killing me.

"I am sure I can manage him" before I can reply he pulled the trigger. I groaned in pain holding my stomach. "Have fun with the remaining time" he pushed me to the ground with the gun and left the room. I tried to move but the pain was unbearable. I have to stop the bleeding first if I want to survive. I took out my jacket slowly placing it on my wound. It slowly changed from pink to crimson blood.

I have to survive till others find me. I am sure they will find me. I tried to keep my eyes open but sleep overtook my will and I slipped in to the darkness.


I waited for whole hour but she didn't come home. I should have talked to her when I had the chance yesterday. I kicked the soda can on the ground in frustration. It made cackling noise as it hit the trash bin near the door. The fact she is not answering my phone made me more frustrated. I left the message hoping she will answer my call but all my calls were directed to answering machine.

I closed my eyes laying on the sofa. "Tae, we need to talk" I groaned before placing my arm on my eyes trying to avoid Jimin. "Its important" he pulled me by arm making me sit. "It better be important" I glared at him. "I got call from one of our members. Boss is here and he got the girl he asked us to look for" it made me more frustrated. Can't things go the way I want them for once. "He is here and wants meet us now"

"Call Hoseok and inform him to meet us at café" I told him before calling Jungkook and told him to bring Jin with him to cafe. Our warehouse is near the café. So we can all meet there and go. It would save time for us. Surprisingly Jungkook didn't ask much and agreed to bring Jin. This boy could be stubborn and rebel when he is needed. I placed my phone in my pocket and looked at Jimin. He was all ready to go. I grabbed my jacket from sofa and walked out.

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