Date night

263 10 1

Some things break your heart but fix your vision


I thought of calling Taehyung to check on them. They were worried about something when he left me in the morning. Before I could call him, I got a call. It was Taehyung. "Hello" I was happy he called me. "Hey what are you doing?" his raspy voice set butterflies in my stomach. "Nothing" I wonder how he can have such effect on me in the very short time. "Get ready. I want to take you out"

"Where?" he hummed "it's a surprise. Just wear something warm" he disconnected the call after telling me he will pick me up. He told me he will here in an hour. I have lot of time to get ready. I decided to wear jeans with my white and purple hoodie. I bought it when I went on shopping with Jia last month. He came in hour just like he told me. "where are we going?" I asked him when we were in his car and he grinned at me. "I told you it's a surprise" I pouted and tried to get some details on where we are going but gave up after a while since he was not telling me anything.

"We are here" I looked up when I saw we were at the beach. It was a private beach to be specific. "come on" he opened the car door for me before closing my eyes. "Just follow me" he guided me slowly and I can hear the water splashes clearly. He let go of me and I was stunned of the view in front of me.

"it's beautiful" the pearls were placed on the sand looked like starts in the sea and they were floating on the water every time wave comes. They were glowing and it looked breath-taking. "How did you-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I was out of words. "I heard when you were talking to Jia once about deep diving and all stuff. Since I couldn't get diving trip planned for our first date so I thought I can surprise you with this" I pecked his cheek and ran away playing with waves.

"Not fair" he chased me and I shrieked before running fast. We played around in the water for a while with the fake pearls and splashing water on each other. "Thank you for today" we were on the sand watching the stars listening to the sound of waves. It became our thing to watch the stars at night. I felt happy knowing it is special to us. "Date is not over yet" I looked at him confused. "We have one more stop before we finish this date" he got up and offered me his hand.

I walked with him while he was guiding me. We were walking along the shore now. I can see small house at the far. He guided me to there and I realized it is a beach house. In the front a table was placed with lights around it. Small rose petals were laid on the ground and different dishes were placed on the table. "This is so beautiful" he grinned before guiding me to sit on the chair. "Looks so tasty" I said looking at all the dishes in front of me.

"hmm" I moaned as I took a bite of the food. It was so delicious. "I am glad you are enjoying" I took some meat before feeding it to him. "it is tasty" we both ate talking casually. Whenever I am with him I don't feel sad. He just has a way of making me happy. His cute smiles and words everything about him is different. He is one of the kind. "It's getting late. We should go home"

I checked my phone and saw it was almost nine. Time flew so fast when I am with Taehyung. I got up and we both walked back holding hands. He drove on the familiar road. I looked at the houses and trees that were passing on the road. Today the time I spent with Taehyung made me realize one thing. I don't want to leave him. I thought I could live with the happy memories I have of him but now I want to spend every single second with him. I don't want him to leave me. 

Our hearts are so selfish. They never get satisfied with what we have. I snapped out of my thoughts when we came to my house. He came out and opened the door for me. We both stood there not saying anything just staring at each other. "Taehyung~ah" I took his hands in mine kissing his knuckles. "No matter what happens you won't leave me right?" his face changed when I said that but he smiled again. "I promise I won't" I placed my head on his chest hugging him tightly.

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