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Keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word


I was sitting in my room bored as I didn't have any homework. I haven't talked to V in last two days either. The last time I spoke to him was when he dropped me home and went away without saying good night or proper good bye. He hasn't come to school either. 

Yesterday Jimin and Hoseok were absent too. Whenever I ask them about them Jungkook and Jin would get tense. I know they are out doing some deal related to the gang but I decided not to ask them much about it.

I thought of going out since I don't have any work. I instantly thought of Jungkook. He became very close friend to me just like Mark. I always feel comfortable around him.

Hi. I send him a simple message.

Jungkook: Hi what's up?

Me: I am bored.

Jungkook: I was going out. Do you wanna come with me? I smiled.

Me: sure.

Jungkook: Ok then I will pick you in 15 mins.

Me: thanks.

I locked my phone and went to the bathroom to change. I was in my sweat pants and t-shirt so I changed into blue tank top with black jeans and converse shoes. I brushed my hair and went downstairs. I left note to halmoni in case she come home early and get mad at me like that day. I heard a knock on the door and saw Jungkook when I opened the door.

"Hey ready to go?" I nodded and locked the front door. "Where are we going?" he told me he had to give some books in the center library. His brother took some books and was busy so he is returning them. I have never been to library in town. I usually read books which I already have in home and school books are available in school library.

He told me to wait while he go and return the books. I just stood there looking around the place. It was bigger than I assumed. The smell of books was fresh and nice. I smiled when I saw Jungkook walking toward me. "Let's go have some food" before I can say anything Jungkook stomach roared. We both laughed so hard. I nodded my head still laughing and we made our way to nearest McDonalds.

"What can I get for you?" a girl asked us. "Coke and macaroni pizza" he looked at me for my order. "I will have the spaghetti and sprite" I smiled. She came back within few minutes with our orders and placed them on the table. She was being flirty and touchy with Jungkook but he was too obvious to it. I chuckled to myself when I realized he wasn't aware of her flirting.

"Don't you like pizza?" I looked at him when that girl left. "I do?" it came more as a question. "Last time also you didn't order pizza so I am asking" I shrugged thinking "it's not that I hate it. I just prefer other foods" he pouted. "But pizza is good" I chuckled at him "Of course it is. I will order it next time for sure"  I took a bite of my food "really?" 

"yup" I said wondering how we had a whole conversation over ordering pizza. "and you will love it" he said singing in a cute way. I just stared him smiling. We both talked about different flavors and places of foods we love. We got in to silly arguments about which is the best. I shook my head and decided to let him say whatever he want. "Fine I agree with you" he grinned at me. He is so cute. 

"I come here often with guys" Jungkook was telling me that this is kind of their hangout place. Usually they meet here. I was just listening to him and laughing to his funny jokes. 

It just reminded me how we used to hang out with my old friends. I really miss those old times. I want to hang out with them like old times when every thing is over. If only he didn't do that I would be enjoying my dinner with my family and friends. We would often have family dinners so that we can spend time together. 

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