“Um, things are good. He’s a nice guy, so yeah.”

“Kell, don’t lie.” Vic spoke up out of nowhere. That’s the first time he’s spoken this whole session besides answering questions. Who does he think he is? I’m lying for us. What’s wrong with him?

I shot him a death glare, then looked back to Phillis to be met with her curious eyes.

“If you don’t want to talk about your Uncle yet you don’t have to. It’s okay sweetie.”

“Thank y-“

“No, I think he should talk about him. I mean he’s the whole reason why we’re here.” Vic interrupted me.

At this point my blood was boiling, who the hell does he think he is interrupting me during my therapy session, and making me talk about something I don’t want to talk about?

Phillis looked at me expectantly, which made me even more nervous than I already was. So I did the only reasonable thing I could think of.

“I think our time is up for the day.” I said, then got up and high tailed it out of there to the car. Not long after, Vic came out started the car to drive home. It was an awkward silence, because I was too mad to speak and I’m sure Vic is thinking of the right thing to say to start this obvious fight that’s about to happen.

Sure enough, I was right when he spoke. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Don’t.” I seethed, feeling as if I was going to explode if he didn’t stop.

“Don’t ‘don’t’ me. What’s your problem?”

“My problem is I have a nosey ass boyfriend who likes to butt into my business. Who the hell do you think you are trying to make me talk about something I don’t want to talk about? Especially when the consequences are as serious as they are?!”

“I’m trying to protect you, you and I both know that you being in your Uncles care is extremely risky, and goddammit I’m gonna do everything in my power at the moment to make sure you’re taken away from him while I still have the chance.”

Hearing that just made me even madder, and I raised my voice so I was practically screaming. “I don’t know why you think you can just come in my life and make decisions for me! Do you know what will happen if I’m taken away from my Uncle? I’ll more than likely be put into a group home or foster care and we’ll be separated. Do you want that to happen?!”

“I would rather that happen then you get raped again.” He said, sounding just as mad as I was.

“Just stop!”

”Stop what?!"

“Stop trying to fucking protect me! I’m fine, I don’t need your fucking help nor do I need your goddamn protection!”

“Fine if that’s the way you want it, then next time when you come to me crying and begging me to die I won’t calm you down and tell you everything’s okay, and next time when Chris and his gang come after you I’ll make sure I won’t be there to save you either.”

“Whatever.” I spat.

“You’re just like Jeremy.” He muttered under his breath.

 “Do not compare me to him! I’m nothing like that bastard!”

 “Oh but you are, more ways than you think.”

“You’re blowing this way out of proportion like you always do.” I scoffed at him. He was being completely ridiculous.

“How?! How am I blowing this out of proportion?!” He screamed at me, taking me off guard and scaring me a little. He continued, not looking at the road anymore, but at me. “How do you expect me to sit back and watch your life be threatened and in danger when I can finally do something about it?! Need I remind you, this is the man that has beat the shit out of you for years upon years, kicked you out and sent you to unknown place halfway across the country, and raped you! Of course I’m going to do something about it, I love you, and I’d do anything to make sure you’re safe and have a good life. But I guess that’s illegal in your book, so I won’t do it anymore. The next time you’re in trouble or need my help, I’m not gonna do shit about it. Since you wanna be all dependent and want no assistance, you’re on your own. I’m do-“

“Vic!” I interrupted him, pointing and trying to get him to notice that we were going off the road into a tree, but it was too late. We veered off the street and went full speed into the trunk of a maple tree.

 My head flew forward and was collided with the airbag coming full force at me, instantly knocking me unconscious.

I wanted to make sure Vic was okay. I wanted to take back every word I said. I wanted to restart this whole day. But I couldn’t, the damage was already done.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant