Chapter 6

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sorry this took so long, things have been going on lately and i haven't been feeling the best mentally. 

anyways here you go thanks for being patient ily


[Kellin's POV]

Who knew making coffee would be so complicated? I'm currently at Starbucks making a cappuccino for a costumer. It's my first day and so far it's just as bad as everyone said it would be. And when I say everyone, I mean the guys back home.

I finished blending the ingredients, poured them out of the blender into the cup, sprayed some whipped cream on top, put the lid on, and slid it to the costumer.

"Samantha?" I asked to make sure I wasn't giving her the one thing. She gave me a friendly smile and nodded her head, making her brunette hair bounce slightly on her shoulders.

"Yup, that's me!" She said cheerfully, flashing her perfect white teeth as her mouth curved into a smile.

"Have a good day." I said back and smiled politely. Like Hayley said; service with a smile.

"Thanks, you too." And with that she walked out of the store and on to the campus.

As she walked out, another guy walked in. He looked familiar like I've seen him before, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

He walked back to the employee room to take off his jacket and put his apron and hat on. When his jacket came off - even though there's no point in wearing one because it's not cold or even chilly – I saw his arm-covered tattoos and I finally realized where I saw him before. He was the guy I saw at the vending machine on Tuesday when I was forced to leave the dorm.

Getting a better look I noticed that he was in fact around the 6"1' mark. He had brown eyes that he had covered with eyeliner, and now that I'm closer up, I noticed he had black hair and not brown. I don't know how I could've got the two mixed up, but I did.

I guess I started staring and the guy noticed. He looked back at me and I looked away quickly, I didn't want him to think I was creepy.

"Hey, are you the new kid?" The man called from behind me. I turned around and he was walking towards me with a small smile. He seemed friendly, but I just didn't get the right vibe from him. I didn't even know if he talking about on campus or here.

"Um yeah, Kellin." I told him, gesturing to my name tag. I looked at his name tag and what I saw made my stomach drop. The tag read 'Ronnie' and I can't help but think he's the Ronnie Alex and Jack were talking about.

"Kellin. Hm, what's your last name?" He questioned.

"Quinn. Kellin Quinn." When I told him his smile fell, making me even more uneasy than I already was.

"You're that new gay kid aren't you?" He stated more than asked. He seemed angered by all this, so I'm 99% sure that this is the Ronnie everyone said it watch out for.

"Kellin is my name, but yes." I responded and I swear that I saw his irises turn red before going back to their original brown.

He was about to respond when Hayley called Ronnie's name, interrupting our conversation. Usually I would've been annoyed, but I was sorta relieved that our conversation ended before it started going downhill. Ronnie gave me the death stare, before walking away to start his shift.

Why is it everywhere I go someone has a problem with me? I'm suddenly regretting getting this job, because now I have to deal with Josh and Ronnie. Now I'm going to have to figure out both Ronnie and Josh's work schedule and see if I can avoid them.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now