Growing Up

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Ashlyn's P.O.V:

I was walking beside Ali as she was holding my hand. I turned and smiled at her and she returned it with a giggle. "I love you so much, did you know that," I asked? She nodded and squeezed my hand tighter. 

"Tobin can't seem to control herself today," I said laughing. 

I watched as Tobin kissed Alexa and I saw something that I haven't seen ages. I saw her pull at Alexa's shirt. Desperation. I pulled Ali closer to me and whispered, "Did you see that? Tobin is losing her shit over that girl".  Ali was about to reply but we heard Alexa say, "Control yourself, Harris". 

"She wants a makeout session," I heard Ali say laughing hysterically. I looked at her shocked. "Don't look surprised, Ash. It's not like you haven't wanted that before."

"I know but this is my kid who we're talking about," I said pouting. Ali looked at me and continued to laugh. 

"Babe, this isn't her first time. Remember when we first got her and she told us about what they did together when she was at the orphanage? I'm pretty sure they've done this right in front of our faces without even realizing it," she said.

"I guess I'm just forgetting that she's almost eighteen," I said with a sigh. I looked at Wentworth who was listening in to our conversation. "Did you know about any of this, Wentworth?"

"I suspected it. I mean she's a street raised teen who hasn't had any boundaries in terms of dating. Although, she's really good to Alexa and I think I can trust her judgment with how far she's willing to take the relationship," he said. 

"I think YOU need to talk to her about it," Ali said looking at me. 

"I would agree with that," Wentworth said. "She needs to learn that a relationship is about being one. She tends to shut Alexa out from her feelings about things she's struggling with. 

"I've been dreading this day," I say sighing. I heard Wentworth and Ali laugh. 

"She'll listen to you, Ashlyn," Wentworth said. 


When we got back home from the beach we all sat down on our big chase couch and turned on France v.s USMNT. Wentworth had to leave so Tobin talked to him for a while before he left. Once she said goodbye, she came back inside and took Alexa out to the back porch. I looked at Ali and she said, "It's going to happen, relax and come cuddle with me". I listened and she lays her head on my chest. 

Tobin's P.O.V:

I took Alexa's hand and walked her out to the back porch. When we got there I turned and hugged her saying, "Alexa, you have saved my life. I love you so much". 

"I love you too, Harris," she said sweetly. "What's with you today? What are we doing out here"?

"Does this answer your question," I asked? I kissed her until I couldn't breathe. 

"You are something else, Harris," she said as she continued to kiss me. I picked her up and moved her to the patios couch. I finally managed to lay her down in between kisses. I was now on top of Alexa and I stared at her. She was so beautiful. I started down her neck and found her spot. I kissed it and sucked at it. She let out a little moan. Fuck, music to my ear. I left my mark and began to kiss her again. I was about to start working at her shirt, but we were interrupted by the door opening. It was Ashlyn. 

"Tobin,  Alexa's Mom just called me. She said Alexa's not answering her phone," she said staring at me. 

Embarrassed, I got off of Alexa and helped her up. She kissed me softly as she pulled her phone out and it read 4 missed calls. "I'm sorry, Lex. I'll take the blame okay," I said looking at her. 

"No, it's okay, babe. She's probably just wondering where we are," she replied. 

"I'll be right back, Lexa," I said as I let her call her Mom. I went inside with Ashlyn. We meet eyes and she said, "Sorry, you looked like you were enjoying yourselves". 

"You could definitely say that," I said smiling. "Sorry, you had to see that. I know that was probably really awkward. Dod you hear any of it"?

"No, you were pretty quiet. Look through, you're almost eighteen and I get it. I remember when I was eighteen I was the same way. Just don't push her, okay," she asked? I nodded my head. 

"I really love her, Ashlyn," I said. 

"I know you do, bud. I know you do."  

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