The Past Hurts

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Ashlyn's P.O.V:

Tobin was leaning her head on my chest. I told her it was time to go. Ali was coming home with me tonight and she told me that she would drive. I picked Tobin up and we walked to the car.

"Toby, we're going home. I know that you had a pretty rough day today, so when we get home you can just relax," I said.

She nodded her head in response.

She hasn't complained about her back hurting from the whipping a few days ago. I guess she has been whipped so many times that it feels normal. Poor kid. Ali opened the door to the back for me and Tobin. I laid Tobin in the back and the turned around to give Ali a quick peck on the lips. She responded back with a passionate kiss and a hug.

"This kid is your future. You both bring each other happiness. Don't forget that. Don't forget what she brings to you. I know you. I haven't seen you smile this much since I put eyes on you," Ali said.

"I know. I won't. She's just so delicate. I don't want to break her."

"You won't. I promise. She has things that she doesn't like remembering, but that takes time. She will eventually tell you. Just be patient."

I got in the back with Tobin and lifted her head and laid it on my chest. I wonder what goes through her head when she sleeps. I remember when I was a kid, I had nightmares about the things I didn't like remembering. This will be her first time spending the night in my house. I hope she's okay. 

We pulled into my driveway and I took Tobin inside. I put her on the couch in front of the window, as I know that she loves looking outside. I let her lay there for ten minutes while Ali and I changed out of our practice clothes.

When I came back, Tobin was standing and had her hands on the window. It looked like she had been thinking about something that hurt.


She took her hands off the glass and turned around. Her face was showing no emotion, but it had a tear rolling down it. She wiped it away and walked over to me and took my hand. She walked me over to where Ali was pouring a drink. 

Was she mad at Ali and I for being together? What was she upset about? Was she mad at Ali? What was she up to?

Tobin's P.O.V:

I took Ashlyn's hand and walked over to Ali, who was pouring a drink for each of us. I could tell that Ashlyn was worried. I put my hand out for Ali to take. She looked at me nervously, but she took my hand anyway. I took them to the couch in front of the window. There was a very beautiful sunset and I had them sit on the couch. I went over to the window and turned my body so that it was facing the window. I placed my hands on the window tapping my fingers about.

"When I was about 13 I was adopted by the Tylers'. The boys at the orphanage thought I jumped out of the window and stayed with a girl that I met at the bar one night. This is why Tyler ends up in my name. This family changed my name from Slater to Tyler. I was Tobin Torrie Slayter III. This is also where I tell you the real reason why I changed," I said softly looking at the sunset.

"You don't have to tell us anything. You know that, but no one is here to hurt you," Ashlyn said.

"I know. I've been rehearsing ever since we left the hospital. I think it's time to unleash the past."

"Come sit, Toby," Ali said.

I stayed where I was standing. I didn't want to move away from the sunset. It was so beautiful. 

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