My Life Ended

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Tobias' P.O.V: (During the Operation)

"Where are you going Wentworth," my four-year-old self-asked?

"I'm going away for awhile, you would understand. Father did the same thing. Remember, Tobias," asked in return.

I nodded my head and he picked me up and put me in the car. He drove me to a building and...

--------------- (Transition to a new dream)-------------

"Don't hurt her," I yell at  Wentworth.

"Tobias, why did you pull that trigger! That wasn't your decision to kill him," Wentworth yelled back.

"He was holding a knife to her neck. HE ALSO HAD ONE OF HIS DAMN BYSTANDERS HOLD A GUN AT YOUR HEAD," I said pointing to Alexa.

I saw Alexa, Wentworth made her stay behind his back. I was in trouble. Big time. I had just killed a man.

"Please, don't hurt her. She had nothing to do with this," I said silently.

Wentworth rolled his eyes and walked over to me. Alexa started to walk over to me, but Wentworth told her to stay. 

"Tobias, look at me! I know you were doing that for self-defense, but I had backup coming. They are coming now and they are going to see that YOU killed him. I told you not to pull that trigger, but you didn't listen! Look what I have done to you, I'm sorry. This is my fault," he said while slapping my face.

"HOW WOULD I BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH MYSELF IF HID DUMMY PULLED THE TRIGGER FIRST? WOULD I BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT, LEXA? I went over ever scenario. They had three men waiting to shoot all of us in the shadows. They ran when I fired the gun in the air three times. I knew this man was desperate because in his wallet was absolutely nothing. He had hints of crack on is lips. Wentworth, I knew he was going to shoot," I said.

I watched as Wentworth reminded himself of who I really was. I was the daughter of a well-trained marine. I knew what I was dealing with.

"Now that you have finally come to your senses, may I please see, Lexa?"

He went to Alexa and told her something and then she ran to me. I swept her into my arms.

"Toby, I was so scared," she said.

"I know. I'm really sorry. That won't ever happen again. I promise."

She turned around to see the dead man's body on the ground and she put her head on my shoulder. 

"I had to do it, Lexa. I'm sorry."

"I know. I know. If you didn't you would be dead," she said.


I hit the floor.

--------------------------------(Operation is over)---------------------------

"WENTWORTH," I scream.

I start to see people in scrubs. I don't remember where I am.

"Keep her down," I hear one of the people in scrubs said.

I was restrained from looking anywhere. 

"Tobias, it's Dally. You need to calm down. You've experienced a life-threatening situation," he said.

I remembered where I was. 

"Where's Wentworth? Where's Ashlyn? I need them," I said loudly.

"They're fine, but I need you to concentrate on me at the moment, please, Tobias," Dally said.

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