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Tobin's P.O.V:

"Tobias," Alexa questioned again.

I knew that Alexa was trying to get a piece of the past that I haven't told Ashlyn and Ali about. I looked at her and she was barely awake. I let her rest her head against my chest. 

It took Alexa a few minutes to wake up, but when she did she looked upset. 

Running my fingers through her hair I asked, "Lexa, you don't look sad".

"I had a dream. It's happening again, Toby. They're coming back. The nightmares."

"You and me both, Lexa," I said frustratedly.  

"You also have nightmares," Ashlyn asked.

"Yeah. I have them about Tobin. I was so scared when she didn't show up that day. I thought she was killed," Alexa said shyly.

I kissed her on the check and whispered to her, " Ich werde immer an deiner Seite sein, um dein Beschützer und dein Liebhaber zu sein."

I knew that Alexa got the message because she calmed down. 

"Wo haben Sie gelernt, Deutsch zu sprechen," I heard Ali say?

"Im Waisenhaus."

She nodded her head and went to sit next to Ashlyn, who was sitting across from Alexa and I.

"Tobias, my mother will want me home soon," Alexa said.

"Iche werde Sie dort bekommen. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, wer Tobias ist," I told Alexa.

She nodded her head. Ali looked intent and Ashlyn had no clue what I just said.

"Tobias. My brother used to call me that," I said

"I thought you were the only child," Ashlyn said.

"Yes, I was. He is my real brother."

"When I was about 7 or so. I started realizing that my parents looked nothing like me. They were different. I had dark brown hair straight hair. They both had red. They had freckles. I didn't," I said with a smile. 

Ashlyn looked at me like I had just killed a puppy.

"There are so many nightmares re-occurring here, Tiger," Ashlyn said sadly.

"I know. I hate it. It seems to be the only story I have, though," I said standing up and getting angry.

Alexa got up with me and took my hand in hers. I took a deep breath and sat back down.

"When they dropped me off at the orphanage the told me one thing that I never understood until I learned German. Bruder Miller. Which means brother Miller in German. Before, I knew what this meant he visited me. I was called out of cleaning to see Mrs. Anderson. I thought I was going to get whipped again. Turns out a man that looked pretty identical to me came to see me," I said.

"I knew you looked a lot like Wentworth Miller," Ashlyn said.

I smiled. I couldn't believe I looked that much alike. She already knew who I was talking about. 

"They let me go home with him for 48 hours. He and I grew very close. We were so much alike. We fell asleep side by side. He told me to be careful who my friends are. He gave me things to study and keep my brain thinking sharp. He means everything to me. He dies, I Die. He struggles with depression just like my sister," I said pointing to Ashlyn.

Ashlyn stands up and walked towards me. I stand up too. We pull each other into a hug. "Ashlyn, you have no idea how much happiness you and Ali have given me. This is the first time in years where I actually don't have to keep looking over my shoulder everywhere we go. You are my rock, Ashlyn. So is my brother. So is Ali. You both are all perfect. Danke."

"Tobin, I love you, buddy. I really do. My best friend. My companion. My right-hand man. Always on the look out or Ali and I. The perfect lover for that gorgeous girl," she said.

I looked at Alexa and lost it. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. She stood up and jumped on me. I held her and joyfully smiled as I kissed her. 

I was the happiest I've ever been in a while. 


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