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Ashlyn's P.O.V:

It was mid-afternoon when Tobin handed me her phone. It read, "Mother". 

"I thought we were clear about leaving Tobin alone," I say through the phone.

"Mrs. Harris, I understand that but I am her mother and I deserve to have a private conversation with her."

"Mrs. Slayter I am going to be perfectly honest with you. Tobin has no desire to talk to you. She really doesn't know who you are and if she did, she would talk to you instead of handing the phone to me so that I could talk to you for her. Please don't call her again or talk to her unless she does first," I say very irritated. 

I hang up on Tobin's mother. 

"She just keeps prying and prying, Ali. Tobin should have never visited her," I say to Ail.

"It's probably really hard for her mother, Ash. Knowing that her daughter is alive and knowing that she doesn't want to see her," she says. 

"I know Als, I just don't think it's right for her to be suddenly interested in her life when all those years ago she could have helped her."

We both walk outside to see if Tobin was okay. 

"She's gone. Damn. Should have known she would run," I say.

"I'm going to go look for her okay, Als?"

"I'm going with you Harris," Ali says sternly. 

"No, you're not. I love you but I have no clue what Tobin is doing and if she's doing something stupid, she can be reckless. I don't want you to get hurt," I say. 

"What do you think she's doing," Ali asks?

"I don't want to think about it. Stay here, okay? I have both Tobin's and my phone."

"Please be careful," Ali said.

I jump in my Jeep and pull out of the driveway. 

I call Tobin's girlfriend making sure she's not at her house.

"Hey, Ashlyn! What can I help you with," Alexa says sweetly?

"We have a problem, Alexa. Tobin's mother called and Tobin ran. Is she at your house?"

"Oh my god. No, she isn't. Have you called her brother?"

"That's the next person I'm calling. I'll pull up at the beach making sure she's not there," I say with worry.

"I'll try calling her. If she's not answering you maybe she'll pick up if it's me," Alexa says. 

"That's the problem. I have her phone. Her mother called her on her phone."

"That damn women," I hear Alexa say. 

"Alexa listen to me," I say. "Do not go looking for her. I'm afraid she's trying to numb her emotions with a form of depressant. I don't want her hurting anybody without knowing it; especially you."

"Do you really think it's that bad, Ash?"

"I can't say for certain, but this wouldn't be the first time if she's drinking," I say.

"Please call me when you find her," she says crying. 

"I will. If she shows up at your house you let me know, okay? Don't answer the door."

"You have my word, Ashlyn," she says. 

 At that, we hang up and I dial Wentworth's number. 

"Hey, Ashlyn," Wentworth says.

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