Putting on my Armor

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Tobin's P.O.V:

While Ashlyn carried me acroos the room, she opened the door and one of the supervisors was standing intently. 

"Let me take the kid out of your hand Miss."

"No, I got her. Thanks though",  Ashlyn said while walking past him. 

The supervisor made a face at me. I didn't dare show any emotion towards him. In my mind though, I just stuck my tounge out at him.

Ashlyn walked me down the stairs, and looked at me with a grin.

"What?",  I question.

She must have known what I was thinking. A true sister at heart.

"You are just such a PITA"

"That's .....That's what my nickname is back with....with....my buddies. Can....Can you see why?"

She just smiled, and continued to walk down the stairs. I can see that she is very concerned. As she walks down the stairs, I grimace in pain. She looks at me, and she stopped.

"I'm so sorry Tobin. I don't know any other way to get you down the stairs without you passing out.", Ashlyn says with worry on her face.

"Keep.....keep..... going. Real warriors never stop the battle for a wounded man. They keep fighting. They fight for the fallen.", I say with hesitation.

Ashlyn looks at me. She can tell I'm struggling physically. She tells me that she will go as fast as she can possibly go. I respond with a curt nod, and she goes off. 

I feel my back start to dry with blood. There are still wounds that are leaking with blood. I feel my head start to spin, and I can't see properly.

"Shit. She's blacking out. Krieger HELP. There's a bottle of gatorade in my bag get it out!!!!! ", I hear Ashlyn yell.


I was still concious, but really not knowing what my surroundings were. I hear Ali, or was it Ashlyn scream for something, but I can't tell. Am I dying? Am I being dillusional? I think I talked to much. I need to stop being such a warrior. I feel Ashlyn putting my body on a table. My body hurts all over I don't think I can stand the pain anymore. My body hit the table.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.", I scream.

"Shit. Shit. Ali help me get this into her mouth.", Ashlyn says in distress.

I feel liquid being poured into my mouth, and I am forced to swallow. The liquid keeps coming. I keep swallowing, finally choking on it.

"TURN HER OVER ASH", I hear Ali scream.

I fell strong hand pick me up and turn my body, so that my stomach is on the table. I lay there coughing the liquid up. I hurt everywhere. Whatever that liquid was, it made my head clear. I could actually see. 

"Tobin?", Ali questions.

I open my eyes. I'm laying on my front side, and I open my mouth to respond back to Ali. 


I hear Ashlyn let out a long breath of air. 

"You need electrolytes and ALOT of sugar. You lost alot of blood from that whipping you had earlier.", Ali said.

I screwed my face up remebering how much it hurt for the whip to find my back. For Ashlyn and Ali to see me being punished. It hurt me. Rembering that I told Ashlyn that I would be able to let go of my buddies. Remebering that I was just starting my training. Training to become a 'True Warrior'. 

"Buddy? Tobin? You okay?", Ashlyn asked.

I layed there. I brought my hands to my face and my face started to steam. Don't let them see. Don't let them see that you've fallen. You're better than this. I feel a set of strong hands lift my hands from my face. I resist, but I am weak, and can't resit for long.

"The strongest warriors fall. The strongest warriors are those who feel pain. The strongest warriors show that they are in pain.", I hear Ashlyn whisper.

I lay there. My face is exposed. Tears are rolling down my face.

"We have to clean you up.", Ashlyn says.

I stop crying, and look up at Ashlyn.

"What about Mrs. B.L.A?"

"Mrs. Who?", Ali asks.

I start to laugh but it quickly turns into a heap of pain. I groan and give Ali a frown. 

"You can tell me later. I filled out all of the papers needed to get you out of this hell hole. Mrs. Anders told me that we could clean you up, and take you.", Ali told me relieved.

I lose it again, and cover my face with my hands. Ali comes over to the table and comforts me by sitting and letting me lean on her. Ashlyn lifts my hands off my face for a second time and gets on one knee. She is level with my eyes. 

"This is the first step Tobin Torrie Tyler III. Putting on your armour and getting ready for battle. Show you know what pain is without feeling embarrased. Remeber you are a warrior, and warriors show that they are in pain."

I extend my hand, and place it over Ashlyn's heart. She looks up at me with confusion, and I respond with two words.

"True Warrior."

She holds my hand there, and I see her eyes glow with pride. 

"Thanks Tobin. Tobin Torrie Tyler Harris III."

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