How Could I

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Ashlyn's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe that that was Tobin's girl that was in that car crash. I haven't seen a kid so upset. She was broken. I guess I can understand. If I lost Ali I would have a hard time getting used to the fact that she was dead. Tobin is so loyal and loving that whoever was with her would love her. She deserves her. She deserves a better life. Those people did such terrible things to her. It's her time now. She deserves it. She can finally be herself.

I looked over at Tobin who had her face buried in the phone book. Ali was in my arms on her phone looking for the school that Alexa went to. 

"Sea Bay Highschool; Patriots," Ali said.

I saw Tobin flipping through pages frantically trying to find the phone number. I kissed Ali's head and told her, "This means everything to her. Thank you."

She kissed me back. 

"What's the teacher's name? I found the phone numbers for all the teachers," Tobin said quickly.

I looked at the article about the car crash. I saw the name. Cassandra Faulkner. 

"Cassandra Faulkner," I said to Tobin.

I saw her circle the name. She copied it down on an origami swan that I saw her fold earlier. 

"I need to know if this phone number actually is real," she said.

"It's in a phone book. Everything in there is searched and checked," I heard Ali say.

"One thing you should know about me, I don't trust everything that's given to me. I was given a mission to break a man out of Prison. I was going to do when I saw the window. There's always the second truth," Tobin said as she wrote down something I didn't understand. 

Tobin wasn't dumb. She was a very very bright individual. She finished what she was doing and I saw a huge smile on her face. 

"There isn't anything unusual with this number. It's a standard phone number," she said with excitement.

Tobin's P.O.V:

I found it. It was Alexa's number. All I need is a phone. 

"Could I borrow that phone," I pointed to Ashlyn's phone.

"Sure, Tiger," Ashlyn said.

She threw her phone to me and I caught it. I took the phone and the swan outside to Ashlyn's nicely set up porch. I called the number...

"Mrs. Faulkner. Who is this," a very sweet voice asked?

"Hello, Mrs. Faulkner. My name is Tobin. Is that girl you took in about a year ago still around," I asked?

"Oh my god," she said with a gasp.

"She's been talking about someone named Tobin in her sleep. It was a week after the car crash she's been having dreams of someone not showing up somewhere. She's been looking for you," the women said. 

I took awhile to respond. She still remembered. She still knows who I am. 

"She wasn't seriously hurt ma'am?"

"No, she had a concussion, but she had no trouble remembering what killed her parents."

I heard the door open. I saw Ashlyn walk out. I was standing on the steps of the balcony porch. She whispered if I wanted her to leave. I shook my head and told her that I like her company. 

"Tobin," the women asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. Could I speak to your daughter," I asked.

"I think I would be more appropriate if you called her on her phone. She doesn't like talking on the phone with me standing right next to her. What do you think?"

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