Inspiration Turns Into Reality

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Tobin's P.O.V:

The supervisors pick me up and take me to my room. They tell all of my buddies to scram, and they do as they are told. I wish I could resist the urge to talk back. It always seems to get me in trouble. Ashlyn and Ali follow the supervisors, and I hear them talking quietly to one another. The supervisors throw me into the room and pull up chairs for Ashlyn and Ali. They take a seat next to my bed and just stare.

"Would you like to talk in private or be watched?", one of the supervisors ask.

"We would like to be in private for as long as possible", Ali responded.

"Are you sure ma'am? This little ignorant boy is a handful."

"100% and she isn't a little boy. She's a girl, and you need to call her that if anything.", Ashlyn said with defiance.

"Okay then, I will leave you three to yourselves. I'm warning you, though."

The supervisors left the room and shut the door. Finally, I had some peace. I was still on the floor next to my bed not far from Ashlyn and Ali. I felt so terrible, and I was in so much pain. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that", I mumble.

"It wasn't your fault.", Ashlyn said standing up. She helped me get off the floor. She technically had to carry me. She stood there and placed me on my own feet. She must have known that I needed to breathe. I stood there fo a minute gaining my balance. My back hurt so much. Ashlyn went back to sitting. She wanted to get a good look at who I really was.

"Are you kidding me? Yeah, it was. I got myself into trouble AGAIN, and you saw it. I saw your faces. They looked broken. They looked sad. I broke your hearts."

"Yes, it very well did, but they shouldn't ever punish a fourteen-year-old kid who's shirt was stripped off.", Ali said with anger in her voice.

I looked at them with gratitude. I wasn't the only one who thought that it was wrong. I can see them searching my face for any emotion, but I don't show emotion. I'm a warrior, and warriors don't cry. They fight. They fight until they win.

"How did you know us by name?", Krieger asked.

"You play on the U.S Women's Team. I used to watch you all the time when I was younger. I got dumped on this doorstep when I was 9. I was heartbroken. I couldn't watch my favorite player play."

"You watched us play?", Ashlyn questioned.

"Of course I did. My Mom and Dad played and loved soccer, and I did too. I was an Ashlyn Harris wannabe. I wanted to go back to the T.V. and watch you play game after game. You were my dream. You were my aim. I WANTED TO BE YOU. I got dumped here, and my life started to disappear. I went into a period of my life where I just didn't care. I didn't care about life. I didn't care about myself. I HATED MYSELF. My buddies nursed me back to life. They nursed me back to a different Tobin. I was stronger, less of an emotional person. More a warrior. They took me and made me their respected leader. If I left them, they would worry themselves to death. They trust me with their life, and so do I. I--" 

I crumpled to the floor. My face steaming with tears. Don't let them see. You're a warrior. Warriors don't show emotion. 

Ashlyn and Ali came and sat on the floor next to my bloody body. They each took one side of me and lifted me to my feet. I couldn't stand on my own, and they knew that. They sat me down slowly on my bed and sat back down in their chairs. 

"Buddy, look. I've been through this too. I've just experienced this in a different way, and perspective. Let me help you. You need people, and you need help.", Ashlyn said.

"I can't leave. Not my best friends, not my "Forwards". Ashlyn, I do need help. I'm a warrior though I fight for life. I fight for my buddies, and I WILL NOT LOSE."

Ashlyn looked at me with surprise. "I've never seen a kid have so much courage."

"I have more than courage Ashlyn. I have more.", I say with a slight quiver in my voice.

"I can see that. Can I help you? Please. Can I take you home so you live a proper life? Your friends, I see mean a lot to you as well, but you need to let go.", Ashlyn said.

Her words are so true, every single one of them. I need to let go, but I can't. Ashlyn sees that I will struggle, but I think she believes in me. 

I nod my head at her, and tell her, "Whatever will help me become a 'true' warrior. I want to win Ashlyn. I will not give up."

"I saw you in that room, and you looked strong, stronger than me. You can make so much more of your life if you learn how to live. You can learn what it means to be human.", Ali said.

"I have learned how to be human in my own way. A warrior at heart, but a 'true warrior at sea'.If I come home with you. What happens to life here? What happens to my "Forwards"?" I ask worriedly.

"They will be remembered. They will always be a part of you. Deep down, you know that you are their leader. You lead them well, and I think it's time for you to let go.", Ali said.

Ashlyn and Ali's words are so inspirational. They understand that I'm not the same person I was. They want to help me get back to myself. My softer side. They try to get some emotion from me, but I don't show any. I'm too much of a warrior. I need to stop and think. 

"It's going to take me a while to get used to, but I think I can go back to being who I really was. I'm ready to win this battle. I'm ready to fight.", I say with bravery.

"You're a brave kid you know that? You're not afraid of going against your thoughts.", Ashlyn stated.

"Do it. Throw challenges at me, and I will not give up. I won't lose."

Ashlyn smiles at me. She smiles at Ali. She knows shes won her battle. I won my battle too. Let's regain strength. Let's become who we really are.

"Thanks, Ashlyn and Ali.", I say shyly.

"Tobin, you need to thank yourself. You pulled yourself out of the storm.", Ashlyn said.

I couldn't smile at myself. Not yet. I haven't won my battle. I will when my quest is complete. We are still fighting. 

Ashlyn and I stare at each other for what seems like forever, until we are interrupted by Ali.

"I will go and tell your helpers that I want to fill out papers, so we can take you home."

Ashlyn and I are left alone. I'm still shirtless, and bloody from the whip. 

"I need someone to look up to when I'm learning how to live life. I think it needs to be you. You were always my role model at a young age, and I still think you are till' this very day.", I say.

"I will be your role model, as your sister in arms. A sister that will never leave your side. Will never let you be scared of the dark. I will hug you until you stop crying. I will be your vice-duke. I will fight along side with you."

These words made my heart lift. They made me so happy. Ashlyn Harris being my sister sounded like a ton of fun. She made me want to be a better person. She made me want to live.

"You truly are the best. Thank you for pulling me out of the storm. I'm ready to let go. My battle has just begun. FORWARD MARCH."

I was helped to my feet by Ashlyn. I grimaced in pain, and she picked me up. "We're going to get you cleaned up."

I leaned my head on her chest. I've never had someone this close since I was nine. I had a family. A family I could trust not to drop me again. 

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