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Tobin's P.O.V:

We walked to Ashlyn's house with entwined hands and smiles on our faces. We got to Ashlyn's front door and I turned around and stared at Alexa. She was so gorgeous. 

"Are we going in," Alexa said laughing. 

"I can't look at my favorite girl ever?"

Alexa blushed and hugged me.

"I have a surprise for you, Lexa," I said as I knocked on the door.

The door opened and I heard Lexa gasp. 

"I told you I had a surprise. No need to give introductions here. They're all over the internet," I said with excitement. 

Alexa caught me by surprise and kissed me. I kissed her back but pulled away quickly forgetting that Ashlyn and Ali were staring at us. 

"Um, this is Alexa. She's the one I've been all over," I said smiling at Alexa.

"It's so nice to meet you in person. Tobin has been all over the planet for you. Come in," Ashlyn said.

We walked inside and I took Alexa's hand. I walked her over to the sitting area and let her lay on the chaise couch. She left some room for me to lay with her. 

I saw Ashlyn and Ali sit down on the couch in front of us. They smiled and laughed. 

Alexa sat up and I took a seat right next to her. 

"I am speechless, Toby. Do you know how much you deserve this." Alexa said in my arms.

"No. I don't, but what I do know is that there are people out there who care for people like me. People that have changed. People that are still learning how to walk their first steps," I said looking straight at Ashlyn.

"Tobin, look at me," Alexa commanded.

I looked at the beautiful girls face. 

"You need to know how much Ashlyn and Ali love you. You deserve their love and you need to accept it. Do you know how many times you've protected me? Do you remember how many times you've helped me escape my worst nightmare?"


"Tobin, no ifs, and's, or buts," she said with a finger over my mouth.

I was shocked. I looked at Ashlyn and she just burst out laughing. I forgot how much Alexa new about me. Damn, this girl knows when to stop my jabbering. 

"I do know that they love me. I love them back, Alexa. My sister means the whole world to me. Alea, I haven't found anything more that I loved since you were in my life, and know that I have both of you. It's a feeling that I can't explain. It's made me relax more. Remember the promise that you made me keep, Lexa?"

Ashlyn came over and sat beside me. I leaned my body into her side and she held me tightly. 

"Tobin, that feeling id called trust. It's called love. Yes, I do remember that promise I made you keep. Were you ever able to pull it off," she said teasingly knowing that I didn't.

"No, but know that I have you. I might be able to drop it. I kinda broke it when I was frantically trying to figure out if you were still alive," I said with excitement.

"What are you two talking about," Ali said laughing.

"You know how I did this thing with the phone numbers? Well, that's a thing I learned when I was in the orphanage. I couldn't trust anyone, so I went into a deep deep deep study of becoming an elite without a team. I would stay up for hours learning morse code. I learned how to speak two different languages. In the process of all of this, I ran into this absolutely stunning girl," I said pointing at Alexa. 

"She was also taught to learn how fight apparently," Alexa said annoyed.

"That would have never had happened if I didn't run into this beautiful, amazing, gorgeous girl," I said flirtatiously. 

Alexa rolled her eyes. 

 I kissed her check and put an arm around her shoulder. 

"You can be such a horse's ass sometimes you know that," Ashlyn said.

I laughed and just nodded my head. Alexa leaned her body into mine and we sat there for the rest of the time. 


Alexa fell asleep in my arms, so I gently laid her down on the couch. I unbuttoned my black shirt and laid it on top of her. I pushed her hair behind her ears and admired her. She was so gorgeous. Her heart was full of nothing but love. She knew how to get her point across. She knew what I needed in life. 

Ashlyn came back from watching T.V. with Ali. 

"I can see why this girl attracted you, Tobin. She loves you very much," Ashlyn said.

I nodded. Ashlyn came and sat next to me. 

"I meant what I said by the way. I meant that you meant the world to me. Maybe not as much as Lexa, but you're very  very close," I said nudging her in the gut. 

"I appreciate it. I also consider you as something that has never been as close as you are. Ali and I, well we're definitely enjoying each other," she said.

"I'm glad. I would never wish for anything better. You and her, that's all I need. Lexa said something to me earlier that I could never fully wrapped my head around. She told me that I changed. She said that I looked stable. That's something that I've never been. I've always ben the one to always look behind me everywhere I went. I was someone who lived in the shadows. I trusted no one, but when she showed up, all of my secrets all of my worries went away."

"Like I said earlier, it's trust. It's love. You found someone that loved and cared about you. You actually looked at yourself for the first time," Ashlyn said. 

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, Tiger."

"What's wrong with me? I heard the doctors saying something about not telling the truth about me. I'm not stupid. During the time of my training, I learned how to hear through brick walls. I learned how to listen to conversations without my ears, but by my eyes. I can read lips. I want to know," I said.

Ashlyn looked at me with a very serious face.

"Toby, to be truthfully honest with you, you have a mental disorder not allowing you to think like a normal human. Your brain triggers things that not many others can do. You see things differently. When you dream, you envision things that happen because of you. Many humans think of themselves, but you don't see yourself as important. You see yourself as another piece of furniture. This is only because of what you went through at the orphanage. They said not to tell you that it was curable," Ashlyn said.

It took a long time comprehend what she was telling me.

"It's curable?"

"Yes, the doctors thought that it would scare you. They thought it would freak you out because of who you would change into. Although, change is good and I already see it happening," she smiled pointing at Alexa.

I smiled and thought about it some.

"I'm okay with changing. I will always be the backstreet boy. I will always be that person who looks at you differently. If legacy is drawing me to change, then let legacy happen," I said stroking Alexa's hair.

"That's exactly what Ali and I said to the doctors, but they insisted that you don't know."

"I appreciate you telling me. I wasn't expecting to get it."

"You did just tell me that I mean the whole world to you. That touched me," she said smiling.

"Tobias," I heard Alexa say.

"I'm here. I love you."

"I love you too, Tobias."

Ashlyn looked at me She knew that there was more to my name than I had told her. 

"That's also a long story," I said laughing.

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