Unpredictable Surprises

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Tobias' P.O.V:

"Wentworth, I'm sorry for being like this all the time," I said in his neck.
I heard Wentworth's chest rise and then fall heavily.
"Tobias, I love you and nothing will ever change that. I just hate seeing you like this all the time. You're my safehaven, and I need you in my life."
I looked at him and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
Wentworth walked me into the room and sat down on the couch.
"Ashlyn, I appreciate the call you gave me," Wentworth said to Ashlyn.
"No problem. As soon as I saw her in the goal not having her attention on Paul I new something was up," she said.
"How long are you in town, brother," I asked Wentworth.
"Until your game tomorrow," he said.
"We don't have a game tomorrow. We have training and fitness testing," I said.
"No you don't, Tobin. That was a set up. I asked Jill to announce it so that you wouldn't grow suspicious. I know you. If you hadn't been so off today you probably would have realized that everybody was staring at you and waiting for you to leave," Ashlyn said.
"I wasn't even...I won't get the start. I did terrible today, and Jill is probably going to kill me because I didn't focus. She's going to tell me that I'm too young to be on this team and-"
"Calm down, Tobs. Look," Ashlyn said as she showed me the poster her phone.
"Tobin Miller I gets the start followed by Ashlyn Harris."
I felt better and was completely determined to defend the goal with everything I had.
-------(Next Day)--------
And there's Miller I walking out with her teammates. The youngest goalkeeper to be called up to a full national team. She has the greatest percentage of goals saved in the whole world. I give you Tobias Miller I...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...
As I walk onto the field, I hear the spokesperson yell my background information, but then...
I blushed and raised my hand and waved it thanking all the fans. As I got into line beside Ali and Alli, I heard the National Anthem being announced.
Someone started singing and my whole heart and mind lifted. Playing for your country is everything and especially when you only of an age where you would be getting introduced to high school sports.
As the National Anthem comes to an end, I take a good look at our opponents. Germany, a very aggressive team and known for playing to win.
We walk off the field and take off our warm up clothes. I start doing to jumps and then I felt a familiar hand on my back.
I turn around and it's Wentworth. I hug him and he tells me to leave a dent in the ball.
"I have to go, Wentworth. I'll listen for you when I'm out there," knowing that he'll yell at me if I'm too far of my line.
The game started and Moe runs the ball up to the box and passes it Mallory. Mallory runs into Germany.
---(30 minutes is up no one has scored yet)---
"Shoo sein ein Kind im Ziel. Sie ist an ihrer Linie," I hear one of their players say.
They shoot and I catch it on the ground.
I run up to the edge of the box and punt it to Carli who is at the top of the eighteen. She settles it and pounds it into the back of the net.
I jump up and down and run to Carli and everybody else who are also in full pursuit towards me. We met and the whole team is jumping all over me.
"Great kick, Miller!"
"Hell Yeah"
"Let's do it again!"
They run back to their positions and game resumes until halftime.
As the halftime whistle whistles in my ear, I start to run back when my teammates stop me having me confused. They form a circle in front of me. I also see Ashlyn and Alyssa and the coaches and everybody forming a massive clump in the middle of the field.
"Tobias, I'm sorry I couldn't be here today, but know that I love you and-"
As I listen to the most beautiful person on the planet, I start to tear up.
Alexa, so sweet, kind and thoughtful. I love her so much.
As the last few notes were sung the team and trainers all dispersed slowly from the clump of people.
The last person to leave was Ashlyn and when she stepped out of the way of the person behind her, I sprinted faster than a cheetah. 
I met the person and caught her on the lips and kissed her until I couldn't breath.
"I love you, Alexa," I said.
"I love you too," she replied back.
The whole stadium erupted and Alexa jumped on me and I carried her all the way back to the bench.
"Locker room girls," Jill said.
I put Alexa down and kissed her until I was forced to start walking towards the locker room.
This is the best birthday ever.

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