Chapter 6 ~ Frail Family.

Start from the beginning

I remember nodding my head robotically before pointing to the small bookshelf, which Dana quickly pounced on and began reading.
I couldn't utter another word to her because I know my cousin, often better than I know myself and I could tell that she definitely did mean what she said.

I need to stop trying to 'figure' out the kidnappers, I don't care about their motive and I don't give a damn about them as people.
I care about an escape route and I need to get Dana out, not only to keep her safe but to keep our relationship intact. I refuse to let this situation break us.

The slamming of the front door is the only thing that finally causes my pacing to stop.
I can already tell that Axel is the type of guy that loves attention so it wasn't hard to track his sighs and grumbles all the way from the front door, past our current door and a few more metres before another door is heard being opened and then slammed once more.

Dana shuffles up next to me and clenches my hand in hers as we face the door.
We say nothing, having forgiven each other long ago and wait for Axel and hopefully some food to greet us.

We're not waiting long.
No more than three minutes I'd say before footsteps reach our door and begin unlocking the barricade.
I'm instantly suspicious, there is no way that they can prepare a meal for us in that short of a time frame, even the most basic of meals need to be opened.

I was hoping to just be given food and perhaps be allowed to use a bathroom to get a better idea of the house structure.
I've spoken enough today already, I'm not in the mood for either of these two.

But of course Axel believes that we've been locked in here all night, obviously desperate for his company.
I get the feeling that Axel and Rosik are coworkers not friends and that they spend a lot of time in silence.
That makes more sense as to why both seem so clingy when it comes to Dana and I, we're profit and entertainment.

"Good morning ladies!"
I try not to cringe at Axels extremely bright and loud voice, purposely cheerful to mock our undoubtedly glum appearances.

Axel has changed out of his black apparel and is now sporting light denim jeans, maroon long sleeve and even his shoes have changed from black runners to pure white vans.

Axel now looks like that Uncle who has tried to remain hip throughout the years and constantly crashes the 'young' clubs and embarrasses you by introducing himself to all your friends drunk.
But I suppose he has reached his goal of looking both harmless and forgettable.
Perfect disguise for the monster underneath.

"Come on, lets hope that at least one of you knows how to cook." Axel mentions before spinning on his heel and with a skip in his step he makes his way up the hallway leaving Dana and I to face an open doorway.

Keeping Dana's hand in mine I edge my way towards the door.
Keeping Dana firmly by my side I cautiously poke my head around the corner expecting to see Axel leaning against the wall but I'm met with more blissful empty space.

I quickly pull Dana in the direction of the front door.
I'm near certain that the door is locked but a part of me just wants to prove to Dana that I am taking every chance to get her out.
That I am trying to do something.

It isn't until we reach the coffee table which is a few steps from the front door that I finally let go of Dana and allow her to lunge at the door and begin violently tugging the handle.
I was going to warn her to stay quiet but I have no doubt that the men are somewhere in the house listening in anyway.

Instead, I allow my gaze to run over the assortment of objects over the table again, wracking my brain to find a tool to help us.
I finally decide on one object just as slow clapping breaks out behind us.
I quickly tuck the item in my jeans, sticking to my hip and pray that neither of the men try to grab me anytime soon.

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