72 | your death

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Harry Potter: Harry has lost a lot, so when he loses you, he completely breaks down. You were everything to him and he blames himself for your death. Of course, he continues to go on with his life, but it's a long time before he's back to normal.

Ron Weasley: He didn't see your death directly, so when Fred tells him that you died saving his life, Ron doesn't believe it at first

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Ron Weasley: He didn't see your death directly, so when Fred tells him that you died saving his life, Ron doesn't believe it at first. He's in denial for a long time, before finally, he realizes that you're not there anymore. That's when he loses it and explodes into tears.

Hermione Granger: She knew there were going to be risks

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Hermione Granger: She knew there were going to be risks. She even calculated all the endless possibilities of how the war would end, but never in a million year did she think that you wouldn't make. If anything, she was positive that you were going to be the last one standing. Only she was wrong. You had died and now she had to learn to live without you; the most difficult lesson she's ever had to learn.

Draco Malfoy: When he became a death eater, he knew he was going to have to do things he's never wished of doing

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Draco Malfoy: When he became a death eater, he knew he was going to have to do things he's never wished of doing. He wasn't a monster; he was only made to be one and over years and years of being called one, he started to act like it. For his final test he was supposed to kill you, but he couldn't. So, another death eater took his place, killing you right in front of him. You begged for his help, but he did nothing, letting you die. It wasn't until he was alone that your death finally sunk in. That's when he knew he'd made the biggest mistake of his life.

 That's when he knew he'd made the biggest mistake of his life

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Neville Longbottom: When you died, Neville didn't cry. Instead, he pushed down his sadness, fighting on like he knew you would. He killed death eater after death eater, releasing his anger and frustration. Though you told him not to, he blames himself. He should have protected you. He should have been there to stop it. His final fit of rage was killing Nagini. After that, the tears came and the grieving process started.

 After that, the tears came and the grieving process started

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George Weasley: George was distraught. He not only did he lose his brother in the war, but he also lost you. The pain was unbearable, so much so that he barely knew how he got to through the rest of the war. He clung to his family at first, especially Ron, but as time went on he slowly began to isolate himself more and more. He was truly heartbroken without his two best friends.

Fred Weasley: Like his brother, he was completely devastated

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Fred Weasley: Like his brother, he was completely devastated. You were his everything. You were his past, present, and future, and the thought of having to go on without you hurt like hell. Luckily, he crowned himself with a good support system and was eventually able to let you go. He never forgot about you, though. He could never forget his savior.

Luna Lovegood: Being as brave as she is, Luna left her tears for the end. She sat by you, making sure that you weren't alone. With one final kiss, she watched you go and continued to fight like you would have done in her place. Afterwards came the tears and anger.

Ginny Weasley: Ginny was pretty much emotionless since the moment she found out about your death. It was like the rug had been pulled up from underneath her. She had already lost a brother and now that you were gone, she was completely empty inside like all the sunlight had drained from her world. She was never the same after that.

Dean Thomas: Dean expressed his sadness through anger

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Dean Thomas: Dean expressed his sadness through anger. He threw things, hit things, and even put a few holes in a few walls. To say he was lost without you was a major understatement. He was never quite himself again after your death.

Seamus Finnigan: He always thought that he was prepared for these types of things. But, no one is ever ready for death. It came so unexpectedly; he always thought you were way to stubborn to died. However, when it happened, he was wildly unprepared. He didn't know whether to cry or scream. So, he did both, until your memory was all that was left.

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