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and they lived happily ever after

and they lived happily ever after

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Harry Potter: Your marriage lasts all the way to end and goes off without a hitch! You both grow old together with a nearly perfect life. After all of your kids were grown and married themselves, you spend the last of your time traveling and spending time with your grandchildren. You both live a long and happy life together!

All of your kids grow up to do amazing things. James II grows up to own and operate his own wand shop in Diagon Alley. Your second son, Albus, grows up to become an Auror like his father before him. And as for little Lily, she grows up to become an author of many best selling spell books!

You have four beautiful grandchildren! Your first son, James, married and had a son of his own named, Alfie. Your second son, Albus, married and had a daughter named, Morgana. And last but not least, your daughter Lily also marries and has two children, Max and Scarlett.

Ron Weasley: You and Ron's relationship was definitely a bumpy one but lasted all the way to the end. You had your rough patches and major bumps in the road, but you always found a way to work it out. He's the best husband and father you could have ever ask for and you fall in love with him more each and every day! Together you and Ron create a beautiful and happy life!

Your children are your pride and joy! You focused most of your life raising them, even giving up on your career to take care of them. Your first born, Emilia, grows up to become a beautiful young woman. Even from a young age she had a natch for charms and became a metal-charmer. Your youngest born, Chase, grows to become a dragonologist, like his uncle Charles.

You have two grandchildren. Your son Chase never gets married, unlike your daughter who married and had two children, Leah and Riley.

Hermione Granger: Your marriage was a long and happy one! Your life was perfect, almost like something out of a fairy tale. Your relationship never once was tested and your love both grew stronger each day!

You and Hermione raised both of your children to be very kind and caring! Rose grow up to work in Muggle relations/studies, where she spends most of her adult life to help the muggle and wizarding world coexist. As for your son, Hugo, he grows up to become a healer.

You have one grandchild! Rose ending up marrying and had a baby girl named, Layla. Your son Hugo married but never had any kids.

Draco Malfoy: Surprisingly, your marriage lasted to the end, but not without its major forks in the road. You still argue like cats and dogs, but your love never faltered! With time your love only became stronger.

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