20 | dating them would include... [part 2]

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dating them

dating them

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Fred Weasley:

• Silly kisses

• You counting his freckles every day to make sure you have an accurate count

• Him trying not to chuckle or smile while you count but fails every time, making you have to start over

• Best friends with George

• Telling the twins apart is easy: "Fred's the cute one!"

• Him always kissing your hand, cheek, or forehead before he leaves to go to work, only to surprise you whenever he returns home early, pulling you from your cooking and pressing a wet, warm, and passionate kiss on your lips

• Cuddling by the fire

• Running your fingers through his red locks whenever you're bored at night and can't sleep. Sometimes it would wake him up (which really isn't your intention) but others times a sweet smile would appear on his lips; you loved that smile

• Morning kisses and cuddles

• Getting married a few months after graduation

• You telling Fred the news of your pregnancy before the Battle of Hogwarts

• Taking your son to Fred's grave every day, making sure he doesn't forget his father

Luna Lovegood:

• Having crushes on each other for a while before actually getting together

• Being each other's first significant other

• Listening to muggle music together in your dorm room

• Some nights you both suffer from insomnia so you talk long into the night to pass the time

• "So what if we're crazy? All the best people are!"

• Holding hands all the time

• Not being afraid to be yourselves in front of each other

• Luna telling you a ton or facts about magic that sometimes you find ridiculous, but in the end, it doesn't matter because you love the sound of her voice.

• Best friends as well as lovers

• Listening to her stories about Nargles, no matter how crazy they are

• Wholesome love

Ginny Weasley:

• One on one Quidditch

• Ginny sitting in your lap with her head on your chest

• Fred, George, and Ron would be vaguely intimidating for the first month or so or your relationship until Ginny makes them stop

• Horrible jokes

• You thinking of Ginny to summon your patronus

• Jaw kisses

• Spending almost every major holiday with the Weasleys and the twin teasing the two of you the while time

• Quick kisses and hugs between classes

• Chilling in each other's common rooms

• Saying "I love you," to which she replies with, "I love you too."

Dean Thomas:

• Both having a pretty good understanding of the muggle world

• Going to the Yule Ball together

• You being too sky to kiss him, so he usually kisses you

• Being best friends with Seamus and Neville

• Him having the ability to make you feel like you are the only person in world that he cares about

• The both of you sharing your own cart on the train to Hogwarts because on one can handle how lovely dovey you two are

• Going on the run with him to avoid being arrested and imprisoned by the Muggle-Born Registration Commission

• You stealing basically every piece of clothing he owns

• Flying around London together

• Romantic kisses and dinner dates

Seamus Finnigan:

• A lot of explosions

• Blowing stuff up together every now and then

• His mother being very intimidating at first, but slowly she started to warm up to you

• Because you could not prove you had a full wizarding heritage, you were forced to go on the run with Dean and miss your seventh year of schooling. He worried about you the whole time he was at Hogwarts.

• Moving in together after the Battle of Hogwarts, probably somewhere in Ireland

• Teasing him about his accent

• Warm kisses

• Eating lunch together outside in the grass or by the lake

• Him playing with your fingers at random times

• Loving each other unconditionally

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