21 | break-ups

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leaving them

leaving them

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Harry Potter: As much as you and Harry love each other, it was ultimately the fact that danger seemed to follow Harry around every corner that eventually split you two apart. You and Harry had decided to go your separate ways at the end of your sixth year. The world around you was never a totally safe place but with Lord Voldemort gaining more power with each passing day, it was just too dangerous for you to stay together. During the following months since your breakup, you stayed in hiding making sure your family and friends were taken care of and safe from harm. You often worried about him. Because you were muggle-born, you were unable to prove your family wizard heritage and was forced to stay behind while your other classmates returned to Hogwarts for their final term. It wasn't until you heard the secret message on the radio that you left the safety of your safe house and made the trip back to Hogwarts to fight with the rest of your friends. After the battle was finished, you and Harry immediately made up and were very happy to see each other again.

"Never do that to me again, Harry Potter," you express angrily with a hint of relief.

"I wasn't really dead," Harry smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not yet you're not," you spit, "if you ever pull something like that again, I will make sure you're dead."

Harry smiled as your cheeks started to turn a light pink color, "I missed you too, love!"

Ron Weasley: Your only major break-up happened a few weeks before your wedding. The financial strains of having a big wedding mixture with the purchase of a new house was just a huge bomb waiting to explode. Both of you stressed over money and instead of addressing the issue, you both still acted like children and ignored it. That was until the Ministry started getting involved. Your mother was evicted from your family home and was left with nothing but the clothes on her back. What was even worse was the fact that your fiancé didn't even seem to care. He continued to ignore the problems surrounding you causing a huge rift in your relationship. You had stopped communicating with each other completely, slept in separate rooms, and had become strangers in your own home. Finally, you had decided to postpone the wedding knowing the two of you needed some time apart. You spent over six months in total separation. Neither finding the courage to contact the other. During these much needed months, you were able to get your mother back on her feet again, while Ron was able to make sure his family was financially secure as well. After almost a year of not talking, he randomly got in contact with you one day. You both decided to meet up and talk about things. You both really missed each other and knew the time apart only made your love for each other stronger.

"George and Ginny really miss you, Y/N." Ron said, taking his first sip of butterbeer before rub his hands nervously on his jeans.

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