65 | your hidden talent

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Harry Potter: Tongue Twisters — You can say just about any tongue twister out there. Even including the one that's considered the most difficult in English: "The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick." Harry finds this a bit weird, but also pretty adorable!

"Really, Harry it's not that hard," you whine, rolling your eyes. "Come on say it with me! Babbling bumbling band of baboons."

"Babbling bumbling bend of—" Harry tried to say for what seemed like the hundred time, only making you laugh harder at his efforts.

"Don't hurt yourself, love!"

Ron Weasley: Backward Writing — You can write backward without even thinking about it. Because of this, you have to suffer through a lot of Ron's mirror puns!

"Hey, Y/N! I've always wanted to be a mirror salesman! You want to know why?"

"No, Ronald!"

"Because I can really SEE myself doing it!"

Hermione Granger: Quarter Tricks — You can roll a quarter up and down your knuckles. You usually do this when you are bored or waiting for something. It's also a neat trick to show off to all of your friends. Yet, Hermione tends to find it annoying at times.

Draco Malfoy: Unwrapping and Tying — You can unwrap any small piece of muggle candy with your mouth. You can also tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue. This is a fairly common talent, but Draco finds it cool anyway. Plus, it only means you're really good with your tongue!

"So, this means you're pretty good with your mouth, yeah?"


Neville Longbottom: Counting You can count the letters in any sentence while the sentence is being spoken and still pay attention to what the person is saying. You guess this why people consider you such a good listener. Neville found this talent completely random, but interesting nonetheless.

"My favorite Herbalist is Herbert Beery. You know he used to work at Hogwarts."

"Sixty-Two," you mumble under your breath, effortlessly.


"Sorry, Neville! Was I doing it again?"

George Weasley: Archery It's nothing special, but you do hit the bullseye every time. You don't even need to practice, it just comes naturally to you. George finds this both, intense and impressive. You sometimes try to teach him, but it never goes well.

"GEORGE WHATEVER YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS WEASLEY," you yell, the arrow he just shot inches above your head, stuck firmly in a tree. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!"

"Sorry, babe," he shouts back, his feet taking off before you could catch up with him.


Fred Weasley: Drawing You can draw anything! It doesn't matter whether you are trying to duplicate something or make something up from your own mind, you have a great talent for art! Fred especially loves this talent because he likes to see what your brilliant brain comes up with. You weren't very good with words, so your feelings come out in your drawings. He also likes it when you draw him, with every counted freckle and all!

"Wow, this is amazing, Y/N!"

You shake your head, denying your talent once again. You weren't really confident in your abilities of drawing, even though everyone else told you otherwise.

"No, it's not. I got your eyes all messed up!"

"But my eyes are messed up," he says, crossing his eyes in different directions, making you giggle softly.

Luna Lovegood: String Instruments — You can play the guitar, violin, and piano. Your favorite being the piano! You love to play, but you kept it hidden. You didn't like playing in front of anyone. Well, that was until you met Luna. She was the only one you felt truly comfortable with, so playing for her was nice and easy! Plus, she never judged you when you happened to mess up.

Ginny Weasley: Eyebrow Dancing — You can dance your eyebrows to any song. Ginny finds this very much amusing and enchanting. Whenever she needs cheering up, all you have to do is wiggle your eyebrows!

Dean Thomas: Singing — You can sing, pretty well actually. But you were deadly afraid of anyone hearing you. Dean only accidentally walked in on you singing softly to yourself. Much to your relief, he didn't say anything about it. He just sat down next to you, encouraging you to continue. From that day forward, you would sing, but only to him!

Seamus Finnigan: 360 You can turn your hand all the way around. When Seamus first found you doing this, he was completely weirded out! But as time went on, he grew to actually like your odd talent!

"Seamus it's not that bad!"


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