11 | what annoys you the most about them

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annoying you

annoying you

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Harry Potter: His over-protective side — He always feels the need to always protect you even though you perfectly capable of handling yourself. It annoys you a lot, especially on the Quidditch field.

Ron Weasley: His snoring — Merlin, did he snore loud! You had many sleepless nights during your first month living together. You once consider killing him in his sleep but stopped once you saw how cute he was in his sleep.

Hermione Granger: Her know-it-all attitude—She had a way of talking to you like she was smarter than anyone else. It could seriously get on your nerves sometimes. Even though you love her intelligence sometimes you want to put Muggle duck type over her lips.

Draco Malfoy: His need to please his father — You love Draco a lot and you know he loves you too, but there are people, specifically Draco's father, that disapproves of your relationship. You can see the poisonous influence his father has on him and sometimes it can get into the middle of your relationship. You hate it when Draco lets his father control his life especially when you know Lucius Malfoy is the reason Draco can't be what he truly is; a good person.

Neville Longbottom: His tendency to be a pushover —You absolutely hate it when Neville would allow people to walk all over him. You were just as easily shy and overlooked as Neville was but you never let anyone take advantage of you. So, whenever Neville lets Draco and his goons taught him, you would always stick up for him; something he deeply appreciated.

George Weasley: His Childish Ways — Even though you loved his humor, it sometimes got very annoying. There were times you liked to be serious especially while you studied for your OWL's. George not so much... He was more of a wink it kind of student.

Fred Weasley: His need to know that you are okay all the time — He has a habit of asking, "Are you okay," whenever you look lost or saddened by something. Sometimes this can be extremely comforting, others it can get annoying—but you love him anyway.

Luna Lovegood: Her way of speaking sometimes — Luna has a habit of speaking in riddles, but you don't always know if she does it accidentally or on purpose. Either way, it bothers you a lot. You were never one for riddles.

Ginny Weasley: Nicknames — She tends to call you 'pumpkin head' because of how much you love pumpkin juice or anything pumpkin flavored. It annoys you to no end, but it seems to bring her a lot of joy.

Dean Thomas: His stupid pet cat — You never really like the mangy minx and to be perfectly honest he never liked you much either. Dean adored him, so you try your best to get along with the horrible thing. You could have sworn the thing tried to kill you once, but without any proof, Dean didn't believe you and just ended up in a laughing fit.

Seamus Finnigan: Teasing — The way he teases you in front of his friends would always piss you off. You would get back at him, though. You wouldn't talk to him for days until he realized what he had done and apologized.

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