03 | first date

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Harry Potter: The Three Broomsticks — After so many months of comfortable yet awkward tension, in your fifth year, Harry finally worked up of courage to ask you out. He took you to The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. At first, you were both shy and quiet, but as the date continued you both got more comfortable. You both found yourselves laughing and joking like you had been friends for years. You both ended up holding hands on the way back to the castle, with you blushing madly and him laughing playfully at your shyness.

Ron Weasley: Hogshead — Your first date was simple and sweet. It took ages for him to work up the courage to finally ask you out. You would have asked months ago, but you were waiting for him to make the first move. You walked around Hogshead and looked in shops. To finish the day off right, you shopped in The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. It's not typically your kind of date, but in the end, you were just glad Ron had finally asked you.

Hermione Granger: The Skrieking Shack — She was the one to ask you out during your third year. You both went for a walk and ended up stopping at the Shrieking Shack. You listened to her while she explained the history of the structure. Later you both ended the date by stopping at the library to pick up a few books. It wasn't even a few days late that you asked her to go on a study date.

Draco Malfoy: Yule Ball — He asked you during another one of your heated argument. You two were known to get into fights often, mainly because of your difference in options, but it was nothing unordinary. It was the middle of your fourth year that the two of you had gotten into another argument. You can't exactly remember what the conflict was about, but you do remember him yelling, "You're going to the Yule Ball with me and that's final." You remember stopping dead in your tracks and becoming wide eyed. It took you a few seconds to rebound, but once you did, your voice lowered to a whisper. You both ending the argument with a small laugh and both had red hot cheeks. True to his word, he took you to the Yule Ball and you both danced the night away.

Neville Longbottom: Greenhouses — Neither of you could gather enough courage to ask the other out. It wasn't until you accidentally asked him, while the both of you were studying outside of the castle. You remember your heart skipping a beat when he finally stuttered out a yes. You met him in one of the greenhouses and listened as he talked about different kinds of plants. You found him extremely adorable when he talked about something he loved. From that day forward, you were determined to get him to talk about you the way he talks about plants.

George Weasley: Owl Tower — You and George were always nothing more than best friends. That was, until, the end of your sixth year. You and your long term boyfriend had just had a nasty breakup. You found out he had been cheating on you for months, making you feel like such an idiot. When George found you crying in the owl tower, you quickly wiped away your tears. You didn't want your best friend to see you in such a wreck. He sat next to you and let you talk. He just sat and listened, which was nice for once. Usually, he was the one talking nonstop.

"Thank you, George," you sniffed, wiping last of the tears alway.

"George! I'm Fred," he exclaimed.

You smirk. That may have worked when you were kids but with years of experience under your belt and a little help from Ginny, you knew how to tell them apart. After that, you two were inseparable and a few weeks later he took you up to the Astronomy Tower where you shared your first kiss.

Fred Weasley: Butterbeers — He had tricked you into a date. He convinced you to walk all the way to The Three Broomsticks after claiming he was in dyer need of your assistance. Why you believed him, you will never know, but you were really glad you did. Ever since your first encounter, you had developed a major crush on him, but didn't know how to ask him out. Once you got there, you found him with a butterbeer in his hand and a sneaky smile on his face.

Luna Lovegood: The Forbidding Forest — Luna had invited you to help feed the Thestrals. You were a little scared of them at first, but Luna helped show you that there was nothing to be scared of. Soon the little feeding sessions happened almost every day.

Ginny Weasley: Tea Room — She asked you out to accompany her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Room, a place that had way too many flowery decorations for your taste, but for Ginny, you would anything. Despite everything negative you thought about the place, you did end up having a wonderful time with Ginny. Not to mention you've always liked tea.

Dean Thomas: Yule Ball You actually invited him to the Yule Ball. It wasn't usually something you would do, dancing was way out of your comfort zone, but something about Dean made you feel safe. So, you asked him gathering as much courage as you could. You were so excited yet still a little nervous when he said yes. You spent the next two weeks learning how to dance.

Seamus Finnigan: Hogwarts — It was during your fourth year. It was another rainy day and you were feeling a little homesick. You had missed your chance to see your parents during the holidays after receiving a letter that they were taking a trip to Italy. Of course, you were invited to come along, but after seeing your grade for the semester, you decided you stay behind. But you quickly realized that was a big mistake. The castle was almost empty except for a few stragglers and you felt even more alone than before. The only thing that made it worst was the rain on Christmas morning. Sighing, you decided to make your way to the Gryffindor common room. When you got there, you were pleasantly surprised to see Seamus standing near the Christmas tree with a gift in his hand. He handed it to you with the biggest smile on his face. After opening it, you thanked him for everything and spent the rest of the day together.

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