54 | draco malfoy [one shot]

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All Good Things

All Good Things

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[Y/N P.O.V]

You don't know why but nothing expect the cool, refreshing air and the gray night sky was able to calm you down after a rough day at Hogwarts. The day wasn't particularly awful, just lonelier than most. With your best friend and boyfriend in the hospital, you find that time goes by a lot slower without him by your side. Classes are longer and life goes on without much conversation.

You missed him already.

Despite his quick recovery, you worry feverishly. The way you found him. The way he looked at you. The way his blood stained the color of the water around him. The way he cried and whimpered out in pain.

It haunted you, like an unwanted friend.

It wasn't until that fateful moment that you ever thought you could loathe a person that much. After the incident, your blood boiled with anger. You've known about Harry and Draco's feud for years, but you never really thought it would go this far. You had heard the rumors, but you never thought Harry was capable of such anger and hate.

As much as you loved Draco, you couldn't help but wonder what made Harry go off that day.

You hardly ever talked to him. Not because Draco hated him or anything, you just never had a reason too. He was usually with his other friends anyway. But you knew enough about the boy who lived to know that he wouldn't hurt anyone unless he had a reason.

This thought troubled you deeply all day. Draco was known to have a temper. You've seen it before with other people. Mostly towards his father when they were in the middle of another heated argument.

He never showed any distress towards you, though.

He was always happy and cheery around you. You remember his beautiful, genuine smile. The rests were a few smirks or side smiles but at the Yule Ball, when his date and yours retired to their rooms, you saw it. It was the first time he actually looked at you that night. In a faded green dress with white laced high heels. You never fancied the color green, but it was Draco's favorite. He always said the color complimented your eyes but you never believed him. The memory makes you giggle aloud.

It was funny, really.

You could have sworn you saw a look of disappointment on his face the day after that night, but you never thought it was because he regretted not taking you instead. It wasn't until the fifth year, you and Draco started dating. It was the happiest school year of your life. A year full of dates, stolen kisses, late night cuddles, and long talks up in the astronomy tower. It was a long time coming and everyone knew it was about bloody time.

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