27 | when they're gone

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missing them

missing them

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Harry Potter: Summers were the worst. Once you left the train all contact with Harry ceased to exist. You remember the many stories Harry had told you about his aunt and uncle but you never really believed a person could be so cruel. It wasn't until your first summer apart, that you realized how curl they really were. You received no letters for the whole summer which drove you mad with worry and annoyance. It wasn't until your next year that Harry had explained the whole thing to you and had apologized. It was then, you knew, you had it bad.

Ron Weasley: Sadly, you rarely ever saw Ron over the summer. His family liked to travel while you sat at home bored as hell. You missed his silly conversations, his warm hugs, and even his stupid little jokes. Summers were completely dreadful and you couldn't wait until school started again.

Hermione Granger: Because you were both from muggle families, you saw each other often during the summers. Yet, when she was gone, it was hard to keep busy. You'd try to read or try to get ahead in your studies, but nothing seemed to get her off your mind. All you did was sit and count the days until you would get to see her again. Merlin, you were in real trouble!

Draco Malfoy: You never saw each other outside of school. You couldn't even write each other because of the fear of his parents finding out. During this time, you would become very grumpy and mope around the house all day. Sometimes you would try and do something productive, but you always seemed to become bored very easily and go back to thinking about Draco. Little did you know, Draco was going just as crazy as you were.

Neville Longbottom: You and Neville saw each other all the time during the summer. You lived in the same neighborhood and you visited him and his grandmother often. The only time you didn't see him was when your family went on holiday. During this time, you would miss Neville a lot, but luckily, Neville would always send you letters keeping you up to date on what was going on at home.

George Weasley: You were practically always with him! There wasn't a day you went without seeing each. Sometimes you even thought you spend more time with him than his own twin. Part of you was deeply grateful for this time together while another part of you could get annoyed from time to time. The only time you ever felt lonely, was when George and the Weasley family when on holidays. This time was both a blessing and a cruse. You loved having some 'me time' but you also missed him greatly. Merlin, this boy was going to be the death of you.

Fred Weasley: After the battle of Hogwarts things changed drastically and your ability to adapted was tested greatly. You missed Fred every day. There were times where you would just space out and go numb of the pure thought of him. Other times, you would cry for hours. Being pregnant at this time proved to be very difficult and you had soon developed postpartum during the last few months of your term.

Luna Lovegood: You visited Luna over the summer often, which you were extremely grateful for. The only times when you weren't able to see her was when you were grounded and your mother kept you locked up in the house. During this time, you were extremely bored and often cleaned to make up for the loneliness.

Ginny Weasley: You mostly saw Ginny in school. You often liked time by yourself, but sometimes you really did miss her. While she was gone, you would try to learn new and advanced spells to impress her, but in the end, she was always the one to impress you.

Dean Thomas: You absolutely hated it when you and Dean were apart for long periods of time. He would often send you letters and pictures, during the summer months, but they never really compared to the real thing. You both missed each other a lot.

Seamus Finnigan: Whenever Seamus and you were apart (mostly during the summer months, because you lived in Scotland and he lived in Ireland), life always seemed to drag on. Days were long and nights were very lonely. Writing each other helped some, but it never really compared to seeing each other in person. You hated summers.

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