07 | first kiss

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kiss me

kiss me

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Harry Potter: Your first kiss was very awkward. Neither of you knew what you were doing. It was your fifth year and you two were outside enjoying the winter weather. It had just begun to snow and you were admiring the snowflakes fluttering around you. You loved the wintertime. You caught a glimpse of Harry staring at you, making you blush wildly. Before you knew it, he leaned in, engaging in a sweet yet clumsy kiss.

Ron Weasley: It was right after your first date. He had walked you to the Gryffindor common room after having a few butterbeers at The Three Broomsticks. You both were a little giddy and uneasy, but you managed to kiss him. He was a little surprised at first, but then he started to kiss you back. Best kiss ever!

Hermione Granger: You two were both studying in one of the empty classrooms during your free period. You often enjoyed the comfortable silence the two of you shared while studying together, but that day both of you seemed to be a little on edge. Neither of you could hold a good conversation, instead, you both kept asking random questions while only receiving a yes or no answer. It wasn't until Hermione had enough of the awkwardness that she leaned in and kissed you. After that, you two were somewhat back to normal.

Darco Malfoy: You were yelling at him again. Another one of your stupid arguments. Only this time Draco wasn't in the proper mood to fight back. You were ranting on and on while pacing back-and-forth trying to prove whatever you were right about that day. Instead of fighting back, he did something you didn't expect. He stopped you dead in your tracks placing his hand gently on your cheeks before leaning in for a soft kiss.

"That was to shut you up!"

Neville Longbottom: Usually, you loved to heard Neville blabbering about Herbology to you. You would usually just sit and listen to him explain different types of plants while occasionally asking him questions. But today, you could honestly care less about which plant belonged to which species. All you wanted was silence after a long rough day, but it wasn't in your nature to just up and leave. Especially, when Neville was kind enough to take time out of his day to help you with your worst subject. Yes, it was rude to just leave him and you just didn't have the heart to cut him off. Instead, to get him to shut up, you pulled him by his collar and kissed him. You were both shocked by your sudden actions, but you were even more surprised when Neville started kissing you back. Let's just say you were both really quiet for the rest of the day.

George Weasley: You both shared your first kiss on top of the Astronomy Tower during your first date. The two of you were enjoining a walk under the stars and ended up on top of the Astronomy Tower to get a better look. It was funny really. Both of you were such good friends and the date went on without a hitch. Yet, once you were on the tower, your heart started to beat rapidly. Both of you were really nervous, but once your lips connected everything seemed to fade away.

Fred Weasley: You both had been walking around the Black Lake together. It was one of those rare moments where Fred and George weren't attached to the hip. Not that you didn't like George. He was a good friend, but you had your sites on the other red-headed twin instead. You two had only gone to the lake with the intention of studying for the upcoming OWLS, but with Fred around, there was never a quiet moment. With your books barely touched, you both settled for a joyful conversation. You don't really remember when he kissed you, only that you were surprised when it happened. You didn't know what to stay, so you kind of fled the scene before he could even say anything. It wasn't until he tricked you into your first date, that you talked to him again. And you were really glad you did!

Luna Lovegood: Your first kiss was quite romantic. You had been helping her feed the Thestrals again. Just like every day for the past months. You had decided to tell her how you felt. After keeping your feelings bottled up for so long, it just kept flying out of your mouth with no intention of stopping.

"Feel free to stop me at any point." You blush madly, unable to control your mouth.

She smiles sweetly, raising an eyebrow. "What if I don't want to?"

After that sentence, you couldn't help but kiss her. It was soft and sweet, just like Luna.

Ginny Weasley: Your first kiss was extremely passionate. It was right before the battle of Hogwarts and tension was high. You two never really started dating until the end of your fifth year, but you felt like both of you knew each other better than anyone else. You kissed her before the attack, wishing you had more time to tell her how much you really loved her. Luckily, the kiss told her for you!

Dean Thomas: You two shared your first kiss under some mistletoe during Christmas time. He instigated it, thankfully. You would have never gathered enough courage in time to even think about kissing him. Luckily, the two of you were alone. So, no one knew how red you got, except for Dean.

Seamus Finnigan: You kissed him after taking a walk around Hogwarts. You both were very quiet, which was unusually odd for both of you. You both were known to chat people's ears off, but today was different. Either of you had the courage to start a conversation and found yourself in awkward silence. You absolutely hate awkwardness, so to cut the tension, you bit your lip and kissed him. It didn't make anything less awkward, though.

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